Fire Starter

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"It's over." His voice sneered at me with as much venom as you could possibly think. This little phrase replayed in my mind as I sat on my bed in my lonely apartment. Those words meant a lot more than just a simple break-up; I've wanted to hear them for a while now since I knew my feelings were for someone else and even though he'll never like me like I like him, I'm glad to be away from Theo, my ex-boyfriend.

It's not that he was ever physically abusive but more so emotionally. He always was possessive of where I went and who with; almost as if he owned me. If I was with anyone he didn't like, he would belittle me or whoever I was with. He never liked that I was always with any of the three boys and not with him. Those boys have been there for me since I moved here almost two years ago.

I'm from West Virginia originally. I moved across the States for college since it was as far away as I could get. I had to get away from my small town and start a life for myself. I loved home and my mom but that was all I had. She was the only one around in my life; I never knew my father because he left before I was born and my mom's parents didn't want a thing to do with either of us when they found out that I was conceived.

After that, it was just us two until I left for college. It wasn't easy for my mom or me but I knew I needed to make a better life for myself. It was a bit rocky at first but then I met Drew. He was the start to helping me get my life going on the right path. I was extremely grateful for his generosity and then Keaton and Wesley joined in and somehow, throughout the craziness, a friendship came out of it.

That's one of the things Theo hated whenever we started dating was my friendship with them. When they left for the X-factor his attitude towards them changed; since they were in LA and I was still in Huntington it was okay with him. I didn't care much about his attitude then because we had just started dating but then when they came back he built walls around us and made me stay away from them.

 I never listened to him; somehow I would sneak away and visit them. As I did this, the relationship between Theo and I changed. He wasn't the caring boyfriend anymore and I was slowly losing feelings for him. Call me a bad girlfriend but I would always get caught up with what Wesley, Keaton, or Drew was doing that I never really had time for Theo so when we did break up I was glad. 

I'll admit in the beginning I was attracted to Theo but the longer we dated the more I knew in my heart I wasn't in love with him. Somewhere in the time we dated, I figured out who my feelings were turning to, and even then I was surprised because we weren't as close as the other two boys. We were best friends, and that was it. 

The reality of it was that I was the girl with a hopeless crush on Wesley Trent Stromberg.

Fire Starter // Wesley StrombergWhere stories live. Discover now