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Just Read The Note At The End.


“What are you doing here?!” I said shocked to find Theo sitting on my bed staring at some of the pictures, of the guys and I, I had on my walls. He raised his head and gave me a sad smile. I kept my face neutral as he told me to come over and sat beside him. I was unsure if I should but went and sat on my bed, as far as possible away from him.

“Okay Isabella, I know we’ve had our history before. I’ve been an asshole to you these past few months and I know that I shouldn’t be asking for forgiveness but I am. I’m sorry that I forced myself onto you. I’m sorry that I was such an asshole to try and blackmail you.”

I definitely couldn’t believe my ears. Theo’s apologizing to me? No way, this has to bed some kind of set up or some shit that he would think up.

“What makes you think I’m going to just forgive you? You’ve treated me like shit and basically stalked me in hopes to get me back, why would you apologize now?” I asked. He sighed softly. His facial expression changed. His eyes were dull and his lips turned into a frown.

“Honestly I don’t ever expect you to forgive me; I know I don’t deserve it. After everything I’ve done to you, I just couldn’t keep the burden on my shoulders. We didn’t work out because you fell out of love. It happens and there’s nothing we can do. I still have feelings for you but I can see that you are in love with Wesley. I can’t make you come back to me and I’ve realized that I have to let you go, even if you aren’t mine.”

Whatever I expected, to come out of his mouth, what he just said was definitely not even close. My mouth hung open, in a very unattractive way, at his words.

There was some way about this whole thing that made me think he was being honest, that he was actually sorry for what he’s done. Although I was still antsy about the whole thing I moved a little bit closer to him.

“I forgive you.” I said softly. I was surprised that I actually forgave him so easily; I mean he could very well be just saying all of this and not meaning a word of it.

“Wait, what?” He said astonished. I rolled my eyes.

“I said I forgive you. It might take a long while before I can trust you again but you deserve a second chance, so I’m giving you one.”

He looked like he was in disbelief, probably because he was, at what I was saying. I mean I am too but I just think that everyone deserves a second chance in life. 

It was in that moment I realized something. I forgave Theo so easily but I couldn’t forgive my mother, the woman who raised me. That was just messed up on my part. I knew what I needed to do.

I stood up, leaving Theo sitting on my bed, and headed to Chelsea’s room. I knocked on her door and waited for a moment but heard nothing. When I twisted the knob I found the door to be unlocked but what I didn’t find was Chelsea.

She wasn’t on her bed or in the bathroom.

“Are you looking for a girl with brown hair about his tall?” Theo asked from behind me. I spun around, on my heels, and watched as he measured about how tall Chelsea would be.

“Yeah, how did you know?” I asked amazed.

“She was the one who let me in. She told me that you were on the porch talking to someone on the phone but I was more than welcome to head on up to your room and wait.” He said. I nodded my head at the new information.

Chelsea wouldn’t know who Theo is because I hadn’t really told her. So she let him in without knowing our past history. I mean I can’t really blame her; I’d have to blame myself for my dumb mistakes.

“Okay and? Did she say anything else?” I asked, growing annoyed. He shook his head and laughed.

“She just followed me up stairs after that but came in here.

“She must have just left because I walked up to her door and heard her talking to someone. Shit!” I exclaimed loudly. Chelsea just basically left me stranded in Huntington while she goes and finds Drew or well at least I hope she is going to find Drew.

Great now I don’t know shit about where Wes is, Chelsea just left me here with my ex and I have work in the morning. Great way to end my night!


                I paced my hotel room back and forth waiting for Chelsea or Wesley to arrive. I don’t know which one I was praying for to get her first but one of them needed to show up and fast. I was going out of my mind with everything that’s happened today.

First Wesley decides to just leave and not tell anybody where he’s going and now Chelsea calls and tells me she has something really important to tell me.

“Dude you’re going to make a hole in the floor and I don’t think the manager would like that very much.” Keaton yelled from inside the living room. I rolled my eyes at him and flipped him off, knowing full well that he couldn’t see me.

“Yeah well if your brother would get back here from going AWHOL we wouldn’t have this problem.”

“Speak of the devil.” I heard Keaton mumbled. I raced into the living room to find Wesley standing in the doorway to the living room.

“Where the hell have you been man?” I asked sharply. He shrugged softly.

“I’m sorry, I just had to think and I didn’t want anyone to know.” He said softly. This was a side to Wes I didn’t see very often, him being shy and not speaking much.

“It’s okay dude, but you just might want to give Izzy a heads up that you’re back.” He nodded his head and started retreating back out the door. As he held onto the door knob he turned back towards us.

“Okay, I’m going to go call her. If you need me I’ll be in the other room.” As he opened the door there in the doorway stood Chelsea. He turned back towards me and raised his eyebrows.

Great, one problem solved and now the next begins.

Meh, it seems rushed, well at least I think so. But yeah. I've got very few chapters left and then there will be a check mark beside this story and it will be finished. I've actually got the very last paragraph finished to the end and let me tell you IT'S A CLIFFY! *Evil Smile!* It doesn't give a lot away but it will keep you wondering what in the hell is going to happen. In other news. I'm sorry that this chapter took two weeks or more to finish but I actually haven't had much inspiration to do anything with it. I will get that back in the time I take off. So this is dedicated to my amazing best friend AMELIA! Whose is now complaining about her 110 degree weather while I am stuck with snow...... I envy this girl so much. MAH I MISS SUMMER!!!!! Stupid Snow. Okay I'm just rambaling now... Oh one more thing! If you've got Kik, hit me up? My names Love_is_war45.... I need more people to communicate with!!! 

Saty Beautiful Babes!

-Courtney <3

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