Our Parents News

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                I grabbed onto Wesley's hand as he lead us into a room that was double the size of any normal sized room. It was packed full of people; some I actually knew but others I didn't.

"Wesley are you going to get in trouble for not be here when this started?" I asked seriously. He shook his head with a smile on his face.

"No, I've been here since this morning and I also had Keaton and Drew covering for me every time one of the management guys asked about me." He shrugged his shoulders lightly as we walked over to a secluded area with a few chairs and a couch in it.

We sat down on the white couch; enjoying each other's company without really saying anything. It was a peaceful few minutes, even with the noise of talking people all around us, until we were interrupted.


              "Congrats you two." Keaton said happily as him and Drew came over to us as we were sitting down on a couch that was provided. Drew sat down beside me as Keaton sat beside Bell. I smiled when they both were asking question to us, until Isabella interrupted us.

"Where's my sister?" She looked around for her, when she didn't see Chelsea, her eyes landed on Drew

"Answering a call." Drew said as he stood back up.

"I'm going to go find her." Isabella said suddenly, cutting off Drew as he was about to say something. She stood up and made her way through the mass of people.  I stood up to go follower her but was stopped by Drew.

"I know you want to follow her but don't. They need to talk and I'm sure that it has to be just them. Anyway, we need to head up to the stage.  Jacob is waiting for us, he's going to talk for a bit and then we'll go through some of our songs off the album."

I nodded my head but was confused. What do they have to talk about? Everything's good now, isn't it? Sighing heavily, I stood up and followed Drew and Keaton. Although the questions never left my mind, making me wonder what in the hell happened while we were away from the party.


                I weaved my way through the bodies of people who were either dancing or talking, all in an effort to get to the doors on the other side of the room.  I don't know why but when Drew said she was answering a call something in my stomach turned. Something just didn't feel right.

When I opened the doors I came face to face with a wide hallway. I wiped my head back and forth to figure out which way to go. The exit sign at the end of the hallway to the right made me make my mind up.

I figured that if she wanted to talk then she would need to be able to hear the person speaking. And for that she would need to be away from the noise, currently, coming from the room behind me.

As I got closer to the glass doors I saw someone outside walking back and forth. Their hand was pressed up to their ear as if they were talking on a phone. Immediately I knew it was Chelsea. When I opened the door her head whipped up in my direction, her blue eyes finding my green ones.

"Yeah, I will. Love you guys too. Bye." She said into the receiver before she pulled the phone away from her ear and hit the end button. I raised an eyebrow at her as she placed the phone into the back pocket of her pink skinny jeans.

"Who was that?"  I asked softly, not really knowing if I wanted to know the answer to my own question.

"Mom called me earlier but I didn't get to the phone in time so she left a voicemail telling me something.  At first I didn't know how to even understand the situation but then when she called me back a little bit ago and explained it more I accepted it." She sat down on a bench that was beside the door and sighed. I made my way to her and took the spot next to her.

"What did she tell you?" I hesitantly asked.  The next words out of her mouth made my heart drop.

"Our parents are getting married."


                My eyes scanned the crowd looking for any sign of Bell and Chelsea.  It had been around a half hour since Isabella went looking for her sister and every minute that passed made me more uneasy. It wasn't that I saw something that made me uneasy it was that whenever I asked Drew about it he wouldn't enlighten me.

He knew what they had to talk about and for some reason he was keeping it from me.

"Drew what the hell are they talking about?" I asked seriously as I pulled him over to a secluded spot so it was just us and no one could hear us. He sighed and ran his fingers through the little part of hair that he had in the front.

"Wes, I don't know if it would be my place to tell you. Let either Izzy or Chelsea tell you." I sighed and shook my head.

"Does Keaton know too?" I asked. Drew nodded his head.

"Does everyone fucking know before me?" I asked rhetorically. Being the only one out of the loop certainly sucks. Drew shook his head.

"It's ju-" He started but was stopped when Chelsea ran up to us with Keaton hot on her tail.

"Where is Izzy's place to go when she needs to think?" She rushed out as she halted in front of us both.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"I told her something about our parents and she told me she needed time to think. Now where does she go to think?" She said slightly annoyed. I shook my head.

"It doesn't matter, I'm going to go to go find her." I said pushing past the three of them. All of them were shocked at my announcement but I didn't stay close enough to them to see their faces.

Dear lord that was a flood of emotions and pov's

Stay Absolutely Beautiful

- Courtney <3

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