Wake Up Call

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"Isabella Renea' get your butt out of bed." A grumpy Keaton shouted at me as he jumped around on my bed, waking me from my slumber. I groaned and rolled over, making him fall off my bed and land on the floor with a thud. Serves you right. 

"Ow, god Izzy why can't you wake up on time for once and not be so grumpy?" He muttered as he stood back up, moving his short curly hair to the side of his face so he could look at his elbow.

"Leave me and my sleep alone Keats!" I pulled the blanket over my head to try and get him to realize that I just wanted to sleep. Is that too much to ask for? Just a simple request.

"Izzy, don't make me go get Wes!" Keaton threatened me. I had to laugh at it. He expects me to get up because of Wesley? No shot in that, my younger friend.

"You and I both know that he's probably still sound asleep in his bed off in dreamland. Now I'm going to join him so I'll see you in about four hours?" He shook his head at me and went over to open my bedroom door. I started to protest that he should just go home and come back later but was cut off by Wesley ready and wide awake in my doorway.

"Holy shit," I whispered as I had to rub my eyes to make sure he was there. When I found out he was, and grinning at me, a subtle blush crept onto my cheeks.

"Well Bell, I'm up before you." My heart leaped in my chest at hearing his words. Both Keaton and Drew call me Izzy, but for some reason, he likes calling me Bell. I answered to both of them but my heart always skipped a beat when Wes called me Bell.

"Holy shit," I whispered again, still half unconvinced. He's never up before me well actually he is but never this early; hell it's only five in the morning. My awkwardness earned a laugh from Keaton; the master of awkwardness.

"Yeah I'm up and it's really hard to believe now get your butt out of that bed and get dressed so we can work on your skateboarding!" He walked into my room and pulled the covers, that I was currently cuddling into, off me. I groaned and let my head fall back onto my pillow.

"Why this early though?" I whined when I realized they weren't going to leave unless I got out of bed. I reluctantly got out of its warmness and walked over towards my dresser; grabbing whatever was on top.

"Because you have class at ten and we have to be in a meeting at roughly the same time." Keaton answered my whiney question. I mentally cringed at his words.

College was something I always dreamed about but as of now I don't know. It's not that I'm failing or anything like that, I'm just having some money issues at the moment. I had enough funds from High School grants for my first year but now, even with me working, I'm not doing well at figuring out what to do next.

"What's with the face, babe?" Wes asked as he noticed my hesitation.  When I still didn't answer his question, he started going on. Only he had it wrong on why I was silent.

"Don't worry about Theo. If he's stupid enough to break up with a girl like you then it's him who's missing out." He said to me. Awkward me laughed to try and cover up the blush that was etched onto my cheeks for probably forever.

Even though that wasn't the main reason I let them believe it was; I didn't want to explain my schooling tuition right now. Maybe I could save enough money I make at working at the ice cream shop to pay for school. Yeah right! I'd have to be working for a good three hundred years before my paycheck would even cover my books. And trying to find another job that works with my hours is basically non-existent right now.

"Okay you two get out so I can get dressed." I snapped back into reality when I realized I was standing in my room still in my pajamas. Keaton gave me an awkward wave bye before walking out of my room to go down stairs.

Wes, on the other hand, was still standing in front of my bed, taking the opportunity to jump onto the mattress and rest his hands behind his head. "Well Bell, are you going to change or what?" I rolled my eyes and pointed towards the door. "Oh you want the door closed. Hold on and I'll clo-." I cut him off as he got off my bed and attempted to shut my door.

"Wesley Trent Stromberg get your butt out of my room so I can change!" He gave me a wink before leaving, like his brother, with a wave and shutting the door behind him. I went over and locked the door before leaning against it.

Lord what have I got myself into with these guys?

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