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                They say that if you love something then you should set it free, and that if it was meant to be it would come back to you. For me, this is, kind of, true. I gave up on him and let him go.

When Wesley said I shouldn’t trust him because he wasn’t as faithful as I thought, all those years ago, something inside of me broke. It was something I never thought I would hear him say and when he did everyone else’s reaction was the same as mine. So apparently they knew nothing about it either.

From then on it was hard for me to trust anyone again.

I went back to life feeling numb and not knowing what to do. Theo was in my life more and I felt thankfully. He never tried to hit on me or anything in the time after Wesley and I’s break-up and eventually he met a girl and got over his feelings for me; which was okay with me since I never felt the same way towards him.

A year or two after I graduated school Wesley called me and wanted to explain everything that happened the summer we were together. For those years I always wondered what he meant and why he wasn’t faithful.

When he did tell me, I didn’t know what to feel. Sure I was sad, hurt, and angry; but I also felt relieved that I knew the reason we broke up. It took me some time but eventually I forgave him, although like Theo, I didn’t trust him right away.

Of course, I started dating a long while after that summer but each guy was someone I didn’t see myself with. I only found one guy that made my heart beat faster and I’m happy to say that we’ve been married for about six years now.

He’s always caring and sweet, although we have our days that we fight, and sometimes they are really bad, we still push our relationship through because we love each other. I do however have another guy too. He’s everything I’ve ever wanted and more.

 Aaron’s been my rock for about five years now and honestly I don’t see how my life was without him.

Maybe I should explain that some more so I don’t sound like a whore.

Aaron is my five year old son. He was born a few months after I got married, and as in my husband’s words he was a blessing in disguise. My husband and I weren’t really expecting to get pregnant that soon after being married but we were supported from my sister and parents, as well as my husband’s family.

Chelsea ended up with Drew and somewhere along the way my niece Penelope Anne came along. She’s a joy to everyone, especially when she was born. She’s Drew pride and joy but is an exact copy of Chelsea.  Penelope’s only two year older than Aaron but they are literally best friends, whenever we can Chelsea and I like to get them together but it’s hard since we live so far apart. I live in California as they went back to Washington.

“Isabella?” I turned and smiled at my husband as he came into the hospital room. He had our baby wrapped in a pink blanket, in his hands. He was smiling ear to ear as he brought our daughter closer.

“She’s so small.” I pondered aloud when he sat her in my awaiting arms.

We hadn’t named her just yet since we were still debating on a name but with one look at her Hazel eyes and I knew what I had in mind.

“She looks like you. She has your nose and lips.” I shook my head as tears filled my eyes again. My husband was right but so wrong.

“No, she definitely looks like you; with your eyes, checks, hair, and ears.” He laughed as he wiped away my tears. He was sitting beside me on the bed as we were gazing down at our daughter. Every so often I would feel a kiss placed upon my temple and a small ‘So beautiful’ being muttered.

A knock on the door made me look up. Chelsea and Drew walked in with Penelope and Aaron running towards the bed. Behind him I saw my husband’s brother coming in as well, with his wife Morgan. A massive smile was etched on her face as she flicked her gaze to her growing stomach.

Morgan was pregnant with her first child and just from that smile I know she was ready for her little boy to be here too. Since we were pregnant at the same time, her being a couple months behind me, she's been going through the same things I have and then learning what is to come during the pregnancy.

“Aunt Izzy?” I smiled as I heard Penny’s voice. She learned my old nickname from Drew and ever since then she’s been using it.  

“Yes Penny?” I asked as I peered down to look at her.

“What’s the baby’s name?” I smiled as everyone turned their attention towards me and the baby. Drew and Chelsea peered over towards Wesley and I as we were making the final decision.

“Carson Leanne Stromberg.”

And that my dear friends is the end. Everything worked out fine for them two sorry it was choppy but I liked the endy a lot. Of course it's not how I envisioned the end but it works perfectly.  And if you didn't get it from the end, yes Isabella and Wesley do work out and get their Cliche ending.  :)

As sad as I am, I have to thank everyone that has been there throughout this and read, voted and commented! your support was amazing and without you all I would be nowhere. So thank you so much!

Stay Amazingly Beautiful!

-Courtney. <3

Fire Starter // Wesley StrombergWhere stories live. Discover now