No Work

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               I walked aimlessly around on the beach; where I've been for the last few hours. My mind has been going through everything I can do to get Bell to talk to me again. I asked Drew for help and he's tried giving me something to get her to but I want this to show that I actually trust her.

What I said definitely was a dick move and I wish I could take it back every day that I go without seeing her but I can't. Abruptly, I stopped and sat down on the hot sand. Pacing up and down the beach was not helping me figure anything out. If anything it's just making me look stupid to the people surfing or watching the waves.

"Playing in the sand?" A familiar voice said from behind me.  I turned slightly and found Chelsea standing behind me.

I shrugged my shoulders and turned back to watch the waves. She took the opportunity to come and sit beside me. I didn't mind a bit since I've actually am able to call her a friend, since she's always hanging out with Drew now.

"You know when you and Isabella sulk you two kind of are so different. She's been throwing herself into working and you just try and distance yourself from everyone." I nodded my head.

I didn't really want to talk about how I haven't been hanging around with Drew or Keaton since I've come back from visiting home. I did, however, get a feeling in the pit of my stomach when I heard about Bell.

"I really hope you guys work things out. She's not been the same girl I met a few weeks ago. She is always at work and then when she gets home she's tired and goes to bed." This made me sigh.

I definitely didn't like hearing that about Bell. She needs to just take a moment and breath; to have a day or two just to feel better.

"Dude, what's up with the creepy smile?" Chelsea asked as a wide grin spread across my face. Standing up I made my way back up the beach. Confused, Chelsea followed behind me.

"Wes, where are you going?" I didn't answer her until she was closer to me.

"I think I may have a way to get Bell to trust me again."


                   Slowly, I crept back into my room after I took a well-deserved shower.  Working almost forty hours in five days has made it almost impossible to get a break.

I picked up my black work shirt and a pair of jeans when my door burst open. A little shriek escaped my lips as Chelsea and Keaton came through. Keaton covered his eyes when he saw that I just had a towel covering me. Chelsea gave a laugh at me, while I pulled the towel tighter to keep it from falling.

"Don't you even think about putting your work clothes on, you are not going into work for a few days."

I raised my eyebrows at her. Today was another day that I had to work. Well I really didn't have to; I more or less volunteered to come into work.

"What are you talking about? I'm scheduled to work today." She shook her head.

"Pick out a normal outfit. I called Erin and told her that you weren't going to be able to make it in today, tomorrow, or the next day. I have your weekend planned out."

I was in too much of a daze, at the information, that the only thing I could do was nod. She smiled at me before grabbing ahold of Keaton and pulling him out of the room. I don't really understand why he was with her when he didn't really say anything.

Maybe he was going to but thought better not since the only thing I had on was a towel.

When I walked down the stairs I found Keaton, Drew, and Chelsea sitting on the couch staring blankly at the television. My eyebrows knitted together at the site of them.

"So where are we going?" I asked once I hit the bottom step. All eyes turned to me.

Keaton had a faint blush still on his cheeks as Chelsea's eyes widened.

"You are wearing a dress?" She asked. I shrugged my shoulders and looked down at my outfit. I had on a cream to brown colored dress that had some ruffles and some lace overlay on the top then some regular wedged sandals to go with it. I ran a brush through my hair and left it to air dry and I had no make-up on.

"Yeah, so, I don't wear them a lot unless I actually have to or am in the mood to wear one." She stood up after telling me okay; not really asking anymore questions about my choice of dress.

The two other guys stood up and we proceeded out to Drew's car. No one had really told me what all we going to do for the day and I kind of liked it that way.

Drew drove us down towards the boardwalk. No one really talked; sometimes Keaton and Drew would glance in the mirror but once they noticed I was watching they would go back to acting like nothing had happened.

"We have arrived." Drew announced as he pulled into an open parking spot a little ways away from the pier. He put the car in park. I rolled my eyes at him; we kind of knew that we were here when we saw everything around us.

"Thank you for the ride. Come and get us in about two hours? If we finish before that I'll call you." Chelsea told Drew as she opened up the door and got out. I leaned the front seat forward and climbed out after her; very carefully if I might add.

"You all aren't coming with us?" I asked even though I knew the answer.

"Nope.  We have to go attend to some business. Call us when you need a ride." He said to me then turned the conversation back to Chelsea. I nodded my head and shut the door.

He backed out of his spot and left. I turned to Chelsea and saw a grin on her face.

"So what are we going to be doing?" I asked. She didn't say anything instead she just started pulling me up the stars and onto the pier.

Ya know I just noticed that this is the first time I've ever done a chapter where it has both of their P.O.V's. Do you like it better this way or the way I usually do it. Just each chapter be a different point of view? Anyway. Some Major Wesabella stuff will happen soon! (:

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