Chapter 1: Surprise Phone Calls

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This is my first co-written story. I wrote this story with the best person ever, Gaskarths_Girlfriend :3


"Dan, move a little closer to Max" I ordered as I prepared to take another picture of You Me At Six. Dan groaned loudly but quickly did as I instructed. Turning my camera to a slight angel, I quietly counted down from three before taking the picture.  

I felt a wide smile tug on my lips as I examined the picture. I've been here, at the studio, with You Me At Six for the past three hours taking pictures of them for Alternative Press.  

Now, don't get me wrong, I love the guys from YMAS but dammit they can be such idiots at times. Usually, photo shoots would be fun for me but today, I just want to go home, lay on my bed with my cat and fall asleep. 

"Good job, Cassie" My best friend, Adriana, said as she walked towards me.  

"Thanks, Addi" I sighed, sending her a friendly smile as I continued to pack up the rest of my equipment.  

I've known Adriana for roughly around three years. I met her in collage and we've been inseparable ever since. She's basically my 'Mexican sidekick'- or at least, that's what Josh and everyone else calls her.  

"Are you coming to Josh's house for the party?" Adriana asked, looking at me with pleading eyes.  

Biting my bottom lip, I quickly shake my head in response. I definitely don't want to go to Josh's party. For many reasons. One of them being that I'm exhausted from all the things that have been going on today. Also, I've never been much of a party person.  

At parties, I've always been that shy, awkward girl who stands in the corner and watches her friends get drunk and have a good time. I mean, it's not like I don't know how to have a good time but parties just aren't my thing. Never have and never will be.  

Adriana nodded in understanding. "Tell your mum and Chelsea that I said hello" She said, forcing a smile.  

I let a small smile form on my lips. "Will do" I sighed "Have fun with Josh and the rest of the guys".  

"Alright...." Adriana sighed, her tone filled with uncertainty.  

I finished packing the remainder of my equipment and said goodbye to everyone. I placed my equipment in the backseat of my car before pulling out of the parking lot and starting towards the direction of my house.  

Turning on the radio, I felt a small smile tug on my lips once I heard My Chemical Romance playing through my speakers.  

Once I arrived at my house, I decided to leave some of my equipment inside my car and just get it in the morning. Locking my car, I started walking towards my front door. Hopefully, mum and Chelsea are asleep.  

I managed to sneak inside the house without waking up my mom or Chelsea. I quietly walked upstairs and into my bedroom. I smiled widely once I saw my cat, Ginger, lying on my bed.  

I quickly took off my vans and jacket before collapsing on my bed, exhausted. Snuggling against Ginger, I was beginning to fall asleep when suddenly, my fucking phone began to ring.  

Without looking at the caller I.D, I quickly answered the phone, fearing that noise might have woken Chelsea and/or mum.  

"Hello?" I whispered into the line. Who ever is calling better have a good reason to disturb my precious sleep ti- 

"Hey, Cassie" The familiar voice greeted.  

I felt my body freeze once I realized who the owner of the voice was.  

Austin. Fucking. Carlile.

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