Chapter 7: I'm Not Okay [I Promise]

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Song: To Die For by Tonight Alive


As I finished plugging my camera into my laptop, I began looking through the pictures I took today. So far, I've taken shots of You Me At Six, Tonight Alive and We Are The In Crowd. Right now, Of Mice & Men are finishing up their performance. I was going to take shots of them but I wasn't able to because my camera died. Austin said it was fine as long as I make it to their performance tomorrow.  

I scrolled through the pictures, picking out the ones I would be posting on my website. There were so many good pictures and then, there were the bad shots but most of the pictures were good. My favorite was the one I took of Josh and Adriana hugging after You Me At Six's performance. It was a cute moment and I decided to catch it on camera.  

I didn't bother looking up once I heard the front door open followed by everyone's laughter. I felt the couch shift under me, I looked to my right and smiled widely once I saw Aaron. I can't exactly be a bitch to Aaron because he never did anything wrong to me. I mean, I know the guys tried to keep in contact with me but that doesn't change the fact that I'm still beyond pissed at them for leaving, but Aaron's a cool dude and I don't find any reason to be rude to him.  

"Who'd you take pictures of?" Aaron asked, seeming genuinely curious.  

"You Me At Six, Tonight Alive and We Are The In Crowd." I answered.  

"So, the reason you couldn't do your job was because you were too busy taking pictures of other bands instead of ours?" Alan snorted, he crossed his arms over his chest and continued glaring at me.  

I rolled my eyes in annoyance. What the hell is up with his attitude? Did the money and fame get inside his ginger head or something? "Fuck off, Alan." I snapped through gritted teeth.  

Alan rolled his eyes before turning back to Austin who looked slightly annoyed. "Have you seen-" He began but was cut off when someone stepped on the bus.  

I looked over at the direction of the door and saw the same girl from earlier. Except this time, her black hair was slightly messier, her make up was smeared and her clothes seemed really messy for some reason. She must have been involved in the mosh pits or something like that.  

Smirking, Alan walked towards the girl. He wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her into a kiss. I turned my head in disgust and jealousy. So, this must be Isabel. I would never guessed that she was Alan's girlfriend but why did he seem so annoyed earlier when he found out that she was coming on this tour with us?  

Once they pulled away from their sloppy kiss, Alan held onto Isabel's hand and lead her into the bunk area. It doesn't take a genius to know what they're going to do. I felt tears beginning to form in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I am no way in hell going to cry over some guy. Not anymore and especially not over someone like Alan.  

As soon as I began hearing muffled moaning coming from the bunk area, I closed my laptop and quickly got up from the couch. "I'm going to hang out with the guys from You Me At Six for a bit." I announced before quickly hurrying off the bus.  

Again, I refused to let my tears fall. Instead of crying, I grabbed my cigarette carton and my lighter from my pocket. I held the cigarette in between my lips before lighting it and inhaling the smoke. I know, it's bad to smoke cigarettes but honestly, I could give less of a fuck at this point.  

Since we're supposed to be driving to the next venue tonight, I figure You Me wont mind if I spend the night inside their bus. I don't want to go back in our bus and try to sleep through Alan and Isabel fucking in the bunk next to mine. Yeah, I definitely don't want to do that.  

After I finished my cigarette, I began walking towards You Me At Six's bus. I knocked on the door and patiently waited until someone finally answered. That someone being Dan.  

"Hey, Cass." Dan smiled, he stepped aside so I was able to get into their bus.  

"Hello, Daniel." I said in a fake posh accent, causing Dan to chuckle quietly. I looked around the front lounge and felt my smile widen once I saw Hannah sitting on the couch next to Oli Sykes.  

"Hannah!" I squealed happily as I pulled her into a friendly hug. I had met Hannah a couple months ago when I went on tour with You Me At Six in London. We met through Oli and she ended up doing the tattoo of a blue dream catcher on my ribs.  [A/N Pic in the external link c: A/N]

"Hey, Cassi. How have you been?" Hannah asked, she pulled away from the hug and sat down on Oli's lap, making space for me to sit down next to them.  

Forcing a smile, I shrugged in response. "I've had better days, how about you?" I asked. From the corner of my eye I could see Dan giving me a suspicious look, obviously not falling for my fake smile. Great, now I'm going to have Dan asking me a thousand questions later.  

Hannah and I continued talking about our careers and I laughed when Hannah began fan girling when she talked about how she met Green Day. About thirty minutes later, Matt Kean walked into the bus and told Oli that they were doing bus check for everyone.  

Once they were gone, I walked over to Dan and sat on his lap. "Can I spend the night with you guys?" I begged, hoping he would say yes because I honestly didn't want to go back inside that damn bus and have to put up with Alan and his cocky attitude. I don't understand why he's acting like such an asshole but I know I'm not going to stand for it.  

"Sure, you can sleep in my bunk." Dan smiled. I returned the smile before resting my head against Dan's chest. Ever since we first met, Dan and I have been extremely close. He helped me through a lot and I know I can always trust him no matter what. Of course, it took him a while to break down my walls but for some reason... he got through me a lot quicker than everyone else.  

"Do you want to borrow some of my clothes?" Dan asked, looking down at me with a friendly smile. I quickly nodded in response, I know I could just ask Adriana for some clothes but I don't want to be a bother... plus she's asleep in her bunk with Josh and I don't want to be rude and wake her up. 

Nodding, Dan gently removed me from his lap before getting up and walking towards the bunk area. He came back a couple minutes later holding a over sized 'LetLive' shirt and some Sponge Bob boxers.  

I raised an eyebrow at him, "Really, Dan? Sponge Bob boxers?" I laughed as I grabbed the clothing from his hold.  

Dan laughed, "Don't judge me." He said before walking back to the couch.  

Laughing, I shook my head as I walked into their bathroom. I changed out of my outfit and into Dan's clothes before letting my hair down and walking back into the front lounge. I sat back down on Dan's lap and continued watching 'A Thousand Ways To Die' before I started growing sleepy.  

"You tired?" Dan asked whilst I was in the middle of yawning. To tired to speak, I simply nodded my head. Chuckling, Dan turned off the television. He picked me up and carried me towards the bunk area. He set me down inside his bunk before crawling in. After closing the curtain, he wrapped his arm around me and I buried my face into his chest. I quickly began falling asleep in Dan's arms.


Title Credit: I'm Not Okay [I Promise] by My Chemical Romance

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