Chapter 5: The Truth Hurts, Doesn't It?

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Sorry for the short chapter >.<

Song: Dear Maria, Count Me In by All Time Low


"So, how long have you been a photographer?" Phil asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence that filled the large bus. I couldn't help but feel annoyed with the fact that Alan just stormed off the bus while we were in the middle of talking.  

"Three years" I answered. 

I looked over at the one face I didn't recognize before. "I'm Cassie Darling, by the way" I introduced myself, sending the stranger a friendly smile as I extended my arm out.  

"Aaron Pauley" He smiled, happily shaking my hand.  

I remember Chelsea telling me before I left that Shayley and Jaxin were no longer in the band. That explains why they aren't on the bus. In all honesty, I never expected to see that Alan had joined the band. He wasn't in Of Mice & Men in high school but I guess things change..... and so do people.  

The bus' door swung open and Alan stepped back into the bus. His fists were tightly clenched around his phone and his expression held both annoyance and anger. What the hell could have happened in five minutes that made him so angry?  

"Isabel is coming on tour with us" Alan muttered, answering everyone's silent questions.  

Tino groaned loudly, "Seriously?" He asked, his face also held a look of annoyance. Same goes with Austin, Aaron and Phil.  

Alan nodded, "She called me and told me that she was looking for me on the bus. Turns out, she wanted to 'surprise me' by showing up and announcing that she'll be touring with us" He sighed before flopping down on the leather couch.  

Well, I don't know who this Isabel person is but she must not be well liked considering everyone doesn't seem too happy that she's going to join the tour. Well, I honestly don't care who she is- as long as she isn't a major bitch, then everything will be fine.  

Another wave of silence washed over us. Everyone either had an annoyed look on their face or an uncomfortable look. Honestly though, I just want to know why they never kept in contact. I'm here to get some answers and take pictures of bands... not to make 'friendships' or try to 'reconnect' with them.  

"So, are you guys going to tell me why you never even tried staying in touch with me?" I asked, breaking the uncomfortable silence.  

Austin sighed, "What are you talking about? We always tried calling your house. We always wrote letters but you never responded.... to anything. One time, we even went to your house because we were preforming in Orange County but your mom told us to 'Cassie told me to tell you guys to fuck off'" He explained, a look of confusion marked his facial expression.  

I didn't say anything. I just stood there... taking in everything Austin just finished telling me. What is he talking about? I never received any phone calls or letters from them and I sure as hell don't remember telling my mom that I told them to 'fuck off'. I would never tell them that. Was my mom keeping this from me?  

"Fuck, I'll be right back." I muttered before stepping off the bus. I pulled me cell phone out of my pocket and dialed my mom's number. I leaned against the bus as I waited for her to answer my call.  

"Hello? Cassie? Is everything alright?" She asked, once she picked up the line.  

"Mom, is it true that the guys came over a while back and you told them to fuck off?" I asked, hoping she would say 'no'.  

Mom sighed into the line, "Cassandra... you have to understand that I was only trying to protect you-" She began but I cut her off before she was able to finish.  

"Protect me?" I hissed " Are you fucking serious? Do you know how much it hurt me when I thought they didn't want to talk to me anymore? Mom, if you really wanted to protect me- you would have told me that they tried to keep in contact with me! You wouldn't have lied. You knew how much they meant to me and you still went out of your way to lie to me about it!" I snapped before hanging up.  

I angrily shoved my phone back inside my pocket before walking back into the silent bus. Ignoring the guy's questioning looks, I walked towards the bunk area and lied down on my bunk. Closing the curtain, I plugged in my headphones and began drowning everyone out with Fall Out Boy.  

This is barely the first day of Warped tour but I can already tell that this tour isn't going to be as fun as I had anticipated.


I'm going to try and update again today to make up for this umm... kinda crappy chapter. :3

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