Chapter 12: One Day You're There, You're So Unfair

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Title Credit: Holy Grail by Jay Z ft Justin Timberlake

Song: It Never Ends by Bring Me The Horizon


Stumbling out of my bunk, I walked into the front lounge where I found Aaron, Austin, Tino and Phil all taking up the two leather couches. Austin's attention turned to me, a notable flash of anger and annoyance filled his eyes. "What?" I asked, noticing now that all four of them were glaring at me. I swear, if looks could kill, I'd be dead right now.  

Phil sighed, "What the fuck did you do to Cassie?" He questioned, annoyance and anger laced in his voice. The four of them continued to glare at me, obviously waiting for answer to their questions. Immediately, my mind went back to last night, when I told Cassie that she had ruined this tour for me and called her pathetic.  

"What are you talking about?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at them. I knew exactly what they were talking about but played it off as if I had no clue.  

Tino groaned, "Don't act like you don't know, Alan." He snapped, obviously aggravated. "You did something to Cassie last night and now she's fucking staying with You Me At Six. What the Hell did you do?" 

I bit my lip and avoided making eye contact with any of them. I should just tell them, I should tell them about how much of a fucking prick I am and how I deserve to get punched in this face for practically driving Cassie away. I looked back at the guys and sighed heavily. "I told her she ruined this tour for me and called her pathetic." I replied.  

Austin groaned loudly, "Why the fuck would you tell her that?" He asked, anger apparent in his tone. I watched as he stood up from the couch and started walking towards me. For a second, I was certain that he was going to hit me but was mistaken when Austin walked passed me and instead, grabbed a water bottle from the fridge.  

Silence filled the front lounge, the tension was so thick, I was certain that they could cut it with a knife.  

Deciding that the silence was starting to bother me, I walked out of the front lounge and into the bunk area. I checked my phone and sighed quietly once I saw that it was already half past nine. Our meet & greet starts at four thirty and our set starts right after so I guess I can kill some time by sleeping. I don't exactly feel like hanging out with another band and I'm too tired and angry to do anything.  

Pulling my curtain back, I found Isabel sitting up in my bunk, she was wearing nothing but her black underwear. I have to admit, I hate our relationship right now. All we ever do is fuck each other. Now, that might seem like a fantasy to most guys, right? Well, it's not all that great. I mean, the sex is good but... that's all there ever is. Just sex. We never just talk or hang out anymore, all she wants to do is have sex.  

At that moment, I was feeling so much anger inside me that I needed to find a way to release my anger.  

Crawling into the bunk, I pulled the curtain closed before looking back at Isabel. I placed my hands on her hips and roughly pressed my lips against hers.  

Yeah, I know I said that all we ever do is have sex but, right now, I could care less. I just need to find a way to release the anger I have inside me. Right now, sex seems like the only choice I have.  


"Where are we going?" I asked Hannah as I pulled on my blue vans. Today, we have a day off before we head to Las Vegas tomorrow. After the events that happened last night, I need to find a way to distract myself. Thankfully, Hannah offered to take me to look around the city for our day off. At first, I refused her offer, reminding her that she had a boyfriend who probably wanted to spend the day together but Hannah quickly informed me that Bring Me The Horizon were doing interviews and photo shoots for the majority of the day.  

Adriana was spending the day with Josh, they were going out on a date or something like that so she wouldn't be joining us but I didn't really mind. I knew how much Adriana and Josh loved each other and I'd prefer not being the reason why they couldn't spend their day off together. Plus, I'm fine with just hanging out with Hannah. Next to Adriana, Hannah is one of my closest girlfriends.  

All the other guys from You Me At Six are busy with something. I think Dan and Max are doing interviews, Matt is hanging out with the guys from All Time Low and I'm not exactly sure what Chris is doing... I think he's just sleeping in his bunk.  

Hannah shrugged, "Anywhere, I guess. Just want to get out of these damn buses." She replied, a small smile crept on her face.  

Nodding, I stood up from the couch, grabbed my pack of cigarettes and my phone from the booth before heading towards the door, Hannah following closely behind. We were walking towards the entrance of the venue when I saw Alan and Isabel walking in the opposite direction, hand in hand. 

Hannah sighed, "Just ignore them, Cass." She said, giving me a sad smile. I still haven't told anyone what happened between Alan and I but I kind of figured that Hannah had figured the whole situation out. I got in a fight with Alan and decided to move out of the Of Mice & Men bus.  

I said nothing but simply shrugged in response. Even though I was looking the other way, I could feel Alan's gaze on me. Sighing, I turned my head in his direction and, to my surprise, saw him looking at me with... a saddened expression? Why the hell did he looked sad? Well, more like regretful rather than sad.  

"Come on, Cass." Hannah sighed, she grabbed my hand and began leading me away from the two. We walked out of the venue and I suggested we go get something to eat first, seeing as I was practically starving and needed something in my stomach of else I was going to flip out.  


"So, are you going to tell me what happened?" Hannah asked, tapping her nails against the table. Since we didn't really know a lot of places in this city, Hannah and I decided on just eating at 'Jack In The Box'.  

Sighing, I looked down at my hands and shrugged. "There's nothing to really tell. I got in a fight with Alan because I told him that Isabel is cheating on him. Of course, he didn't believe me and told me I ruined the tour for him. I didn't want to be on that fucking bus for longer so I just got my stuff and left." I explained. 

Hannah's lips pressed together in a tight line. "You haven't talked to him since then?" She asked, even though the answer was obvious.  

"No," I shook my head, "I haven't talked to him since last night and honestly, I don't plan on it anytime soon."

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