Chapter 4: Unexpected Surprises

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Song: My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark by Fall Out Boy


The plane ride seemed to go by faster than I had expected. Austin tried talking to me through out the entire ride but I continued to shut him out with the excuse that 'I'm tired' but truthfully, I just didn't want to talk to him.  

We were now sitting the backseat of a cab that was headed towards the venue. I'm super pumped to meet all the bands on the tour and take pictures of them preforming but I'm also extremely nervous about meeting the guys again. From what Austin's told me, the guys don't know that I'm going to be their photographer- all they know is that they're getting a female photographer.  

Once we arrived at the venue, Austin paid the cab driver while I grabbed my equipment and bags from the backseat. Austin offered to help me out but I quickly refused his offer. I looked around the venue and saw that most of the bands seemed to have already arrived.  

I looked towards the direction of Of Mice & Men bus and noticed a really pretty girl stepping off the bus. I figured it was one of the guy's girlfriends or just a band whore.  

I slowly followed Austin towards their bus. I noticed You Me At Six were already here which is good because if things get too awkward on their bus, then I can just go hang out with Adriana and the rest of the guys.  

Austin opened the door and led me into the empty bus. "Where is everyone?" I asked. The bus seemed cleaner than I had expected it to be but it probably wont stay that way for much longer.  

"Their probably hanging out with the other bands" Austin replied as he started towards the bunk area. "That's your bunk-" He said, pointing to the middle bunk on the right "-And that's the spare bunk where you'll put your equipment and bag" He finished, pointing to the bottom bunk on the left.  

As I was putting my things away, I heard the front door open followed by footsteps and loud talking. I felt my stomach drop once I heard his voice.  


"We should probably head back to our bus" Tino sighed as he stared blankly at his phone. I nodded in agreement. Today, Austin is supposed to arrive with our new photographer. He told us it's a girl and that she's like the female Adam Elmakias. We would have asked Adam to come with us but he's on break for a while.  

We said goodbye to Beau and Elliot before walking off their bus and starting towards the direction of our bus. When I talked to Austin last night, he seemed strangely excited for us to meet the photographer. He said that 'we're in for a big surprise' or something like that. I don't really care who the photographer is, as long as she isn't a major bitch then everything is going to be fine. 

Phil was the first one to enter the bus, followed by Aaron, Tino and finally, me. "Holy shit.." I heard Tino whisper as I was entering the bus. I looked over at the direction they were looking at and felt my heart drop once I saw her. 


There's no fucking way that's Cassie Darling.  

What am I saying? Of course that's her!  

She had the same wavy, dark brown hair, same pale skin and the same emerald green eyes. The only thing different about her was the visible tattoos on her chest and arms.  

"You guys remember Cassie, right?" Austin asked, smiling widely. So I guess, this is the 'surprise' we were getting. I honestly don't know how I feel about Cassie being our photographer. I mean, I knew she was a photographer but I just never thought Austin would ask her.  

Suddenly, I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. I pulled it out and saw that I had an incoming call. I let a loud groan escape my lips once I realized that it was my girlfriend, Isabel. Now, don't get me wrong, I love Isabel. At least, I think I do. I mean, we've been dating for two years and things were great in the beginning but then she started getting clingy and annoying.  

"Hello?" I answered, trying to hide the irritation in my voice.  

"Alan, where were you! I came by your bus earlier and you weren't there. Are you cheating on me?" She asked, practically screaming into the line.  

I rolled my eyes at her stupid assumption. It seems like every time we have a conversation, it always results in her accusing me of cheating, which is fucking ridiculous because I would never cheat on her. Wait, why was she even on our bus?  

"Wait, you were on our bus? Where are you now?" I asked.  

Isabel sighed, "I was going to surprise you by showing up because I'm going to tour with you guys for Warped" She stated.  

Oh fuck no.

Gravity Don't Mean Too Much To Me // Alan Ashby *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now