Chapter 8: Well To That, I Say You're A Cunt

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Song: All I Wanted by Paramore [Amazing Song .-.]


"Who are you taking pictures of today?" Dan asks as we walk towards YMAS' merch tent. This morning went by quick, I ended up taking more pictures of Tonight Alive and We Are The In Crowd. I also took shots of Pierce the Veil and All Time Low. In about thirty minutes,  

"Well, I'm going to go take some pictures of Blink. After that, I'm going to take more pictures for you guys and then Of Mice & Men." I answer. Honestly though, I don't want to be anywhere near the guys- mostly because of Alan and his stupid cocky attitude. The thing that pisses me off the most is that he has the damn nerve to suck faces with his girlfriend where ever he pleases. It's disgusting.  

Dan smiled, "Oh, by the way, Bring Me's having a party on their bus later. You should definitely come." He said, looking at me with hopeful eyes.  

"Sure, sounds like fun. What time?" I asked. I'm honestly not a party person at all but the look in Dan's eyes managed to convince me to go. Plus, how bad can things be?  

"After Warped ends... so like around nine thirty." Dan replied. I nod in agreement before saying goodbye and walking towards the main stage. Blink doesn't start for another twenty minutes but I'm a really lazy person so I might as well start walking over there now.  

While I was walking towards the main stage, I looked down at my camera and started changing the setting when suddenly, I felt myself crash into someone. Fuck, this is the second time. What the hell is wrong with me?  

"Why is it that whenever I see you, you're always running into me." The familiar voice chuckles. I looked up and smile widely once I saw Mark staring down at me with an amused expression. He held his hand out and helped me up from the ground. I mentally slapped myself for not looking where I was going.  

"Sorry." I mumbled, embarrassed that I had ran into Mark Hoppus two times in a row. Dumb ass

Mark laughed, obviously amused by my embarrassment. "It's cool." He smiled, "You're coming to watch us preform, though, right?" He asked.  

My nerves seemed to fade and I sent Mark a wide smile, "Wouldn't miss it for anything else." I said.  

Mark grinned, "Awesome. We should probably get going since we start in like ten minutes." He stated, looking at his phone screen with furrowed brows. 

I nodded in agreement and with that- we started walking towards the main stage, talking through out the entire time. Sure, I probably looked normal on the outside but on the inside I was fan girling like crazy. I still can't believe I'm talking to Mark Hoppus and I'm going to meet the rest of the guys from Blink-182. Holy shit, I'm even going to take pictures of them....  

As the situation began to sink in- my inner fan girl began to grow more and more difficult to control. Thankfully, before I was able to freak out- we had arrived at the main stage. After showing the security guard our passes, Mark and I hurried towards the side of the stage. Their guitar tech handed Mark his guitar and I took the liberty of taking a picture of the crowd which were eagerly waiting for Blink to take the stage.  

"Mark, where the fuck were you?" A familiar voice asked. I turned around and stared at both Tom and Travis in awe.  

Don't ruin this, idiot. My conscious snapped.  

Mark shrugged, "I was talking to Kevin and I ran into my friend, Cassie." He stated before loosely hanging his arm around my shoulder.  

Tom raised an eyebrow at us, "Cassie?... Are you a groupie or something?" He asked while folding his arms over his chest. Travis just stood there with a blank expression.  

Mark laughed, "No, she's a photographer. She agreed to do some shoots for us." He explained. All the while, I was nervously fidgeting with my hands.  

"Oh, shit, sorry." Tom apologized whilst nervously rubbing the back of his neck.  

I smiled at him, "It's okay, don't worry about it." I sighed before turning back to the crowd. They haven't even started preforming yet and there's already people crowd surfing and getting pulled out by the security. This has to be one of the craziest and biggest crowds I've taken pictures of.  

I turned my camera to a slight angle and began taking pictures of the crowd surfers. I was so wrapped up in taking the pictures that I didn't even notice when Blink had ran on to the stage until the crowd began to cheer loudly. I looked over at Mark and Tom who were playing the intro for the song 'Family Reunion'- I smiled widely and sang along to the song.  

'Shit, piss, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, cunt, turd and twat'  


"You guys did amazing!" I exclaimed to Tom, Travis and Mark as they ran off the stage.  

"We know." Tom smirked as he brought his water bottle up to his lips. Mark smiled at me and Travis just quietly stood there.  

"Did you get any cool pictures?" Mark asked, he looked over my shoulder and down at the screen of my camera. Honestly, I was so wrapped up in their performance that I barely got enough pictures to post on my blog, Never the less, they were good pictures.  

"Yeah. I got a couple of you, Tom and Travis. Also, I got a couple shots of the crowd." I replied, smiling widely. I love taking pictures of crowds at concerts. They're always insane. Or as Matt Nicholls like to say, 'mental'.  

"Oh, are you going to Bring Me The Horizon's party?" I asked them. They all nodded in response.  

"I heard they throw sick parties." Travis mused. Wow, that's the first time I heard him talk all day.  

"Yeah, but we know how to party harder." Tom added, smiling proudly.  

Before I was able to say anything, I felt my phone vibrate inside my pocket. I quickly pulled it out and saw that I had received a new text message from Josh.  

Fransassy: Hey, wanker. Are you still going to come take pictures of our set?  

Me: Yes, Joshy. I just finished taking pics of Blink but I have to get some crap from my tour bus. Don't worry though, I'll be back in time to take pictures and watch your set. 

Fransassy: Alright, bye wanker.  

Me: Bye faggot.  

I put my phone back inside my pocket and said goodbye to the guys before walking off the stage and towards our tour bus. Hopefully, no one else is on the bus. Especially Alan or his girlfriend, I don't want to deal with their attitude right now.  

Once I reached the bus, I opened the door and suppressed a groan once I saw Alan sitting on the couch while looking through his phone. He didn't even bother looking up which I was grateful for. I' think I'd rather have him ignoring me than having him say some stupid crude remark-  

"Where were you?" Alan asked as I walked passed him.  

I rolled my eyes at his stupid question, "Why do you care?" I muttered, looking over at Alan who was now glaring at me, his arms crossed over his chest.  

"I don't care about you. I stopped caring about you when we left you." He stated before getting up and walking off the bus.  

I stood there feeling a mixture of emotions, most of them being shocked and hurt. I knew Alan hated me, the reason for it? Hell, even I'd like to know but hearing him say those words hurts me. It hurts me more than that idiot can ever imagine.  

I held back the tears that were now brimming my eyes. I refuse to cry over that idiot. I fucking refuse to shed a tear. If Alan doesn't care about me anymore than that's fucking fine. If' he's going to act like a cunt then I'm going to return the crude attitude.


So, do you guys want a chapter in Alan's pov? If you do, comment down below :3 Also, what do you think is going to happen next?

Gravity Don't Mean Too Much To Me // Alan Ashby *Discontinued*Where stories live. Discover now