Chapter I

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"You're going to be fine. It'll be good for you," Pete whispers, handing me my carry-on. He carefully picks up my scarred wrists, kissing them lovingly. "Please be safe. The next time I see you better be in person and not in a body bag," he scolds gently.

"I promise." I allow him to gather me in his arms. "I'm going to miss you so much," I whimper, burying my face in his neck.

"Trissy, this isn't goodbye. I'll see you soon. This is good for you, you need the change. I've started the rent on your house, and I've gotten you some interviews for a couple of diverse jobs. As soon as you can pay your rent, you do so. If you need anything, call me." He tenderly wipes the tears that fall. "I have a feeling that something really good is going to come from this. Just have patience."

"I'm scared." The sob I so desperately was trying to keep in breaks through the barrier with those two words.

"I know." He strokes my hair. "You need to go." He sniffles slightly, pressing a sweet kiss to my head, "Call me when you land. "


I was shaking the entire flight. I hated being so high up, surrounded by strangers.

I hail a cab and tell him my address, watching the new town with wide eyes.

My house is small with a furnished living room and a big kitchen. There was a big bedroom with a connected bathroom. It had a tiny fenced in back yard and the front porch was surrounded by flower beds perfect for planting.

My car is in the driveway, I had shipped it over, along with some boxes of my things.

I spend the evening unpacking, calling Pete.

I have am interview at a cafe, a grocery store, and a clothing boutique. They are all tomorrow.

Just as I'm getting ready to go to bed, a knock at the door makes me jump. I tiptoe to the door, peeking through my peephole.

I whimper at the sight of the large man. Walking backwards into my couch and falling with an oof.

Tears burn my eyes. He was suppose to be in jail, why was he here?

"Ma'am?" A voice calls. "My name is Zeke. My friend owns this town and when we saw we had a visitor, he asked me to check it out. I just wanted to introduce myself. You know, we don't get too many visitors around here."

My eyebrows furrow, and I hesitantly walk to the door, opening it just a crack, watching the retreating figure walk away from my house.


"You're hired." The young girl grins.

"What?" I whisper. I had just walked in the boutique, a dainty bell jingling at my entrance.

"I like you. I know you need a job so you're hired. I'm Christina." I stare at her open hand, brushing it away.

"Tris." I mutter.

"I can tell you don't talk much. You just have to stock the shelves, fold, maybe help a few customers. I'll work the register and do most of the talking. It's pretty late. Why don't you go home? You can start tomorrow at noon."

"Thank you." I tell her sincerely, watching an excited smile light her beautiful features.

As I pull into my driveway, I call Pete, "Guess what?" I ask when he picks.

"What?" He chuckles softly.

"I got a job." I grin a little, gathering my things and walking towards my door, only notice a man on my porch.

"Are you there?" Pete asks, "I asked you where."

"At a boutique owned by a girl name Christina. Can I call you back? I bought some stuff and I need to put it away." I lie, avoiding eye contact with the mystery man.

"Of course sweetie. Call me before you go to bed." The line goes dead.

"Who was that?" The man asks, looking down at me with a weird emotion.

I open my mouth to speak, inching closer to my door. When no words come out, I shrug.

"You don't know?" He laughs softly, the sound breathtakingly beautiful and the thought terrified me. "I'm Four Eaton, pleasure to meet you ma'am." He holds out his hand, which I brush off.

"I have I-" I stutter, "Inside." I unlock the door quickly, shutting it in his face.

I hear him sigh softly as I lock myself in the bathroom. Why are all these people at my door? Why did I feel the way I did when I was around this Thor? And who has a name like Thor? Someone was clearly obsessed with Marvel.

My thoughts make me sick, and I heave into the toilet. I haven't eaten anything, I don't want to eat.

I love this town, but I don't love me. I'm never going to be happy. I'm never going to fall truly in love. Who would want to love something that is broken and used?

Tears mix with the saliva that falls into the toilet. My throat aches, along with my head and my stomach.

Everything feels so loud and suffocating. I panic, swiping my keys off the counter and walking out the front door.

Thor stands in my walkway, hands on his head, pacing back and forth. His attention snaps up when the door slams.

"Woah, slow down. What's wrong?" He asks when I try to slip past him, gripping my shoulders tightly.

I don't answer. I can just feel his hands on me, crawling towards my neck.

I scream, fearful of this new man. He backs away instantly, sinking to his knees in front of me, "Hey, look my hands are behind my back, I won't touch you."

My horrid sobs turn to sniffles, and I can't help but sneeze.

"You're so adorable." He murmurs quietly, to the point where he's almost inaudible.

He stands back to his full height, towering over my little frame, "Do you want to talk about it? Why don't we go get something to eat? You look like you're starving. We can drive separate, it's not a date or anything. We don't even have to talk, we can just awkwardly stare at each other. You look like you could use a friend." He turns his head to the side, a gentle smile curved on his face.

"Okay." I murmur, walking to my car. "I don't know the way."

"Just follow me." He gives me a sweet look, climbing into his car that's parked on the street and driving towards a diner.

I don't know why I agree, I don't have any money, and he's a guy. He could be just like-

I shudder, pulling into a small parking lot.

Thor opens my door for me, ushering me into the cute place.

"Good Evening Alp-" The old lady glances at me and stops, "Who's this Four?" Four? I thought his name was Thor.

"This is-" He chuckles but it's different from what I've heard. Around me his laugh is sweet and real. Now, his laugh is fake and dark, "I forgot to ask your name."

"Tris." I whisper.

"Well Tris, I'm Tori. I own this place. Would y'all like a booth or table?"

"Booth." Is his clipped reply.

He sits on one side, me on the other. "The food is on the house. Can I start you off with drinks?"

They both glance at me, making me squirm uncomfortably under their gaze, "Coffee, please."

Tori grins, "Of course. Any cream or sugar?"

"No thank you."

"And you sir?"

"Water." He speaks, never taking his eyes off of me.

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