Chapter X

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"Hi," I greet Four, walking up my driveway while twirling the keys in my hands.

"Hey baby," He smiles, stepping down from my porch to hug me. "How does your ass feel today? Still sore?" He grabs my butt, pulling me flush against him.

"It's not too bad. How was your day?" I lean up to kiss his jaw seeing as I can't reach his cheek.

"It was fine, love. I've arranged dinner for us at a park tonight. How does that sound?"

I take my keys to unlock my door, allowing Four to walk in first.

"We should really get you a copy of my house key. If you aren't picking me up or taking me to work you're waiting for me," I smile up at him.

He grinned, chuckling a little. "If that's what you want."

"Yeah, I'd like that. When are we going to dinner?"

"Whenever you're ready babe," He plops down on my couch, kicking his feet up and closing his eyes, groaning. "You're smell is delightful and it's everywhere."

"Well what do you know." I tease walking towards my bedroom. "Let me get dressed and then we can go."

"Take your time. I'm resting," He grins, shooing me with his hands.

I quickly dress in a pair of skinny jeans and a flowy top. I grimace when I tie up my beat up Converse. I really need a new pair. My feet are going to suffocate.

"I'm ready!" I call, pulling my hair back in a loose ponytail.

"Shh," He groans. "I'm resting."

I laugh, climbing up on his torso and poking his cheeks, "Four," I whine. "I'm hungry and you promised me good food."

He snaps at my finger, "I did not promise you anything other then dinner at a park. It could be moldy hot dogs for all you know."

"Eww," I laugh, laying down on him and putting my face in his neck. "You wouldn't do that to me."

He sighs, "I guess not." He takes the tie from my hair, trailing his fingers through my scalp. "Wear your hair down. It's so beautiful, framing your face like this."

He scoops me up, "I need to run a little bit after we eat. I've been sitting still all day and I need a good stretch."

"In your wolf?"

"Yes. If that's okay with you." He places me in the passenger seat, buckling me up and kissing my head.

"That sounds good. I want to see your wolf again. The park isn't too public?" I ask when he climbs in.

"Believe it of not, you're one of the few humans around here. This is my territory and we hardly allow new people in. That's why Zeke came to check on you that first day."

"Oh. He knew-"

"A wolf knows its leader. He had a strong hunch you were his Luna. His wolf demanded him to respect you. That's why I showed up," He smiles happily.

"That's cool. What's the whole process with being mates?"

He pulls the car into the parking lot, getting out and opening my door. "Well, we have to "mate" or make love," He whispers. "And sometime during the wonderful night, I will bite the crook of your neck right here," He bends down and places a kiss where my shoulder meets my neck, a sensitive spot that causes me to shiver. "And that bite will become my mark, signaling that you're taken by me. Even though you're human, you will be able to read me a little better and know how I feel, if I am in danger or hurt. I'll be able to do the same."

"That's kind of cool," I laugh, folding myself in his warm embrace.

"Come on now, I had somebody set us up a nice dinner just over this way," He guides me to a little flat area decorated with little LED candles and flower petals. "I didn't want to catch anything on fire. I'm sure something would have if I had lit real candles."

"It's very nice," I comment. "Thank you."

"You're welcome, beautiful. Have a seat," He pulls my chair out, gesturing me down.

He served us some nice little pizzas, which was adorably funny when he blushed and admitted to making them. And then poured us some champagne where we spent a couple of hours talking about anything and everything. It was all and all a very nice little night. It made me come to the realization that I may be close to loving the man in front of me.

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