Chapter Twenty Eight

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Jeanne stared at the video recording on her desk. It was the live video projection from the Hound. Though it had blown to bits the eye was still functioning and relaying everything to her. Since Andrew had put it into the ERADICATE command Jeanne could see everything. 

Jeanne clenched her fists and jaw tightly shaking. Those filthy illegals dare touch her son so! They had taken him from her! Though that was not the full truth and she knew Andrew had gone in blindly without thought she knew she could use this to her political advantage. 

Now she had every reason....

Jeanne called in her general naval commander, "Yes President?", he asked strictly. 

"Man the navy", she said. 

Those damn illegals. Why don't they just go away!? 

Jeanne pressed a button on her desk and everyone in the entire New World Order across the globe halted as to what they were doing. Children skating. Adults eating. Walking  to work. All their daily lives stopped and they stared at screens projected onto buildings. It was the video recording of the event. However it was only that of the exploding jeep and the beating and shouting that was afflicted towards Andrew. 

Jeanne spoke, "Citizens of the New World Order. I regret to inform you that the illegals have threatened us again with their vile and barbarous ways. They have taken my son. They have beaten him. And they will likely torture him. I as your president will not tolerate this outrageous and inconceivable act against us. They have reaped our generosity and have now done the unacceptable. I will not allow them to take our children for their own horrid uses. This act is an act of war against us. At this very moment I have commanded the navy to prepare. Yet it is you who must convince your region leaders to stop this threat before your children and your neighbors children become innocent victims to these cannibalistic men and women. It is you who must give me the power to end it....let me save my son and in doing so protect you also", said Jeanne ending the transmission.

Jeanne smirked, it wasn't even after sixty seconds that the Pure One Leaders were now responding and they flickered into view. 

"You dare do this without consulting us!", snapped Orion angrily. Their regions were in utter outrage.

"I simply informed our citizens of an important event. They deserve to know", said Jeanne. 

Dominion laughed, "The only reason you told them my dear was so that you could get support for war", he said. 

"Lie! I want my son back in safety!", snapped Jeanne. She hated Dominion. She despised him. 

"Yes, yes, any mother would want the safety of their child...but any good mother would have done a much better job of protecting him", teased Dominion enjoying her state. 

"You dare-" 

Kira yawned and was again tossing a paper airplane with her rallied blue hair, "Your son wasn't the brightest anyway. Just another daydreamer in his own little rebellious world. I say you got what was coming", Jeanne stood up slamming her hand down on the table about to yell at Kira. 

But Kira yawned again ignoring her, "However, this dull sate of the world is boring me. A little fire might entertain me", she said shrugging and signed off vanishing. To Jeanne that meant she had her support she just didn't want to waste her time listening to Jeanne ramble to convince the others.

"Tsch! If it will finally get you to shut up then I'll do it. I have better things to do than argue with you", said Orion signing off. 

Lore stared at Jeanne quietly not saying anything. She raised her finger pointing at Jeanne and shook her head simply disappearing. Jeanne scoffed she didn't Lore's support anyway. Lore was never one to go to war. She had no troops to provide anyways. It was Dominion, Rosaria and Oblivion who Jeanne was most concerned about. 

Dominion chuckled smiling, "Ah well....poor, poor, boy. He must've gotten himself in a tight spot now, hasn't he Jeanne?", he teased. He tapped his chin, "But I suppose I'll support you....I mean the navy is under my command. And since you already started fueling and loading I guess I won't hold you back....this will be fun to watch", said Dominion smirking. 

"Call if you need anything", said Dominion leaving. 

Rosaria glared at Jeanne. "You have his navy. You need nothing from me", she snapped. 

"Rosaria I would like your support in this matter", warned Jeanne. Rosaria supplied the ammunition. 

"If I am not supplied with what I require you will not be supplied with what you require", snapped Rosaria. 

"I will take it by force!", yelled Jeanne. 

"Come then, but if these illegals are such petty things you should have no problem getting rid of them without my aid....or can you not handle it?", asked Rosaria testing Jeanne. 

"Do not try my patients", warned Jeanne. 

"And do not try my mercy", warned Rosaria right back. Was that a threat?

Oblivion was the only one left. The one who provided man power. He held the military academy at his fingertips within the former region of Siberia. He stared at Jeanne. Or at least that's what Jeanne thought he was staring at. 

In truth though Oblivion was staring at the full video which continued to replay and replay till the camera went out loosing the very short battery power fuse. He now knew it had been Andrew himself who had forced the illegals to fight back. It was he who had instigated the fight and quarrel. What a reckless boy. 

Oblivion closed his eyes, "Very well, I will supply you with some", he said. 

"Thank you Ob-", Oblivion left not wanting to hear it. 

Oblivion had some preparing to do. 

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