Chapter Thirty Six

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Sammy and Hannah were out amongst the market the next morning. Of course not very many people were out and it wasn't as busy. Several still stayed in their homes petrified, and fearful. Some gained the courage to come out but.....everyone was rather silent and keeping to themselves. Some didn't even look at Sammy.

He approached a booth with dried goods hanging from nasty uncleared ropes and strings. The trader snapped at him, "Get it! Go!", he snapped fearfully shooing Sammy away.

The trader knew Hannah was the General's daughter but he wasn't a fan of that man either. The trader blamed Sammy for this. He blamed Sammy and that other lot he had come with for the destruction that had happened. Sammy frowned but politely stepped back. Sammy saw the half bare child hiss at him with two missing front teeth. Like a common animal. He watched as the child cowered back into the corner of the hot run down tent.

Hannah took his hand as he stood there watching, "Come on, let's go", she whispered coaxing him.

Sammy smiled at Hannah, she smiled back and leaned her head against his shoulder as she walked away leading him down the dusty path. She loved Sammy. She hadn't seen him in a long time. "You haven't changed a bit", whispered Hannah.

Sammy laughed, "I hope I at least got taller", Sammy kissed Hannah's forehead.

"You've only gotten more beautiful princess", he whispered back slinking his arm around her waist and rested his hand on her hip.

Hannah smiled as he used the nickname again. Again he used it beautifully. She glanced over then whispered to Sammy, "Come on, let me show you something", she whispered heading forward and pulled Sammy along.

Sammy smiled letting her, he could have easily pulled her back. Hannah looked back at him smiling and then released Sammy's hand running forward.

Sammy called, "Running off on me already?".

"Catch me if you can water boy!", she laughed rounding the corner.

Sammy followed picking up his speed. Hannah couldn't lose him for long. Sammy slid around seeing Hannah go into another stone building smiling. Sammy smirked, "Oh no you don't", he whispered running into the location where Hannah had disappeared.

He slowed stopping. Sammy looked around, he couldn't find Hannah anywhere. There were wooden boxes and old plastic containers and Tupperware filled goods, blankets, and other needs. There were fire extinguishers  with dents, some looking beat up. There were cases of collected pill bottles. Several didn't have caps on them.

Sammy looked around. There were batteries in a mug cup. He could recall his mother Chloe doing that for batteries that were to be recycled. There was a piece of old dirty paper tapped to it with a sharpie drawing of the three arrows. Reduce, reuse, recycle. Seems here the same was done. But there were several mugs scattered about. Some were in cardboard boxes filled to the top. There were various rolls of duck tape, some zebra print, cheetta print, tide- eye, solid colors. Each roll various sizes.

There were old lightbulb so that looked dead. The place was cluttered and Sammy continued. It was dark in here with only the light coming through the carved sand stone door way and cut out windows. There was a small layer of minute sand scattered and rubbed under Sammy's old and worn down hiking boots. His rolled up socks were filled with dust and smudged. He crept inside looking around the corner trying to find Hannah.

"Hannah", he whispered. He heard a giggle.

He continued back into the small storage area and caught Hannah's arm who yelped laughing and Sammy pinned her against the sandy wall. "Took you long enough", she teased.

"Is my princess happy?", asked Sammy smiling.

Hannah smiled and moved her arms around his neck shifting her hips.

"Not yet", she whispered.

Hannah pulled at Sammy's shirt. Sammy growled in his throat enjoying this as she kissed him. He moved his fingers in her's raising Hannah's hands above her head. He pulled back millimeters hovering over her and whispered in her ear smirking, "My Princess is getting greedy", he teased.

He move his chest against her's, "But that's what I love about you, you always want more", he whispered kissing Hannah. He moved down his hands down moving them under her top feeling her hips. He rested his hands on her stomach feeling it move up and down as he began to kiss her neck. Sammy heard her moan naturally and he felt the corners of his mouth perk up as he heard it and he pulled up her top over her head and tossed it down.

Sammy purred in her ear breath hitching as Hanna ran her fingers through his hair gripping and then pushed Sammy back he turned hitting the wall letting her beat him. It was her turn now. Sammy moved his hands traveling his fingers down her spine feeling Hannah shiver. But she was delighted. She wanted this.

Her body was becoming numb and her thoughts blurred as Sammy gripped her. She found herself raising her thigh up, knee pressed against the wall. Sammy smirked breathing her in. The smell of sand and heat filling his nose and mind. Hannah moved her hand down under his shirt tickling his stomach. Sammy snatched her hand and looked at Hannah hovering again.

"What is it?", whispered Hannah.

"I have a question....", Sammy whispered back his hot and heavy breath brushing her skin. Hannah looked at him, "You know I love you Sammy", she said.

Sammy stared at her with dreamy eyes, "I know you do.....I know you always have.....and I've always loved you", whispered Sammy moving his other hand from behind her and raised it up.

"I wanted to ask you....but I.....knew I had to wait......but now.....I don't know if I'll ever get the chance to ask you again", he whispered raising a ring. It was small, and the diamond inside it wasn't much.  His father had payed for it during his sophomore year. Sammy was still paying him back. He still had to. One day he would.

Hannah stared at it her heart fluttering. "I might not be the most-",

Hannah cupped Sammy's face, "Yes", said Hannah.

" didn't even let me ask the question!", hissed Sammy disappointed.

He had been thinking of this for years. Had thought and thought over and over about what he was going to say when he proposed. Officially he had planned on surprising her during her Senior year in college if the relationship had lasted that long.

Hannah giggled, "I know you too well", she said. Sammy took her hand and slipped the finger on and looked up at Hannah. Her fingers wrapped around his hand intertwining with his.

She smiled, "Now....don't stop", whispered Hannah kissing Sammy.

Sammy moaned eyes fluttering and he gripped her hard moving his hand down to her thigh holding it and shifted.
His breath was quickening and heart racing as he heard Hannah make the alluring sounds which excited him.

Hannah broke away hearing a loud rumble above them. Sammy looked up and around tensing. He felt Hannah grip his shirt and come closer to him fearfully and he held her as outside screaming began.

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