Chapter 1: My life suck from the beginning

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This is my first yaoi story people, and it gave me idea when my tablet was being a jerk and switched names on one of my other characters, so I used that name Makita for this story purpose. So Again please be nice to this first yaoi story I have written.

My name is Makita Hozu, i'm a reincarnation of my past self; well.... kind of. You see back in my life before this.... I was a girl, and my name was Makita Hozu, just like now. My family, or the Hozu family has this cursed placed on them, and back then when the actual first Makita was born was the first child; she was abused by all the men in the family of the Hozu clan. Her family was dirt poor, and her parents decide without her permission to marry her off to her abusers; well to the noble son of the Hozu clan that is. His name was Shizuo Hozu, and he took great interest into Makita; as soon as she found out she was being married to him she wanted to kill herself. But she knew something might happen to her something good or bad in her future; few weeks later she was married off in a blink of an eye, and that same very night her new husband force her on her hands and knees, and brutally rape her to the point she couldn't even walk for two days correctly. Shizuo was a man to be fear by, and if he doesn't get what he wants; he takes it by force if he has to. A few months later, Makita found out she was pregnant with Shizuo's child; she didn't want to give birth to it at first, but something stop her from doing so. She thought that this child would bring good fortune, and be the light of her life. On the same very day she found out she was pregnant; a client that worked with the Hozu clan was making future plans on building the new era, but it didn't end well. Because Makita had a ran in with this very man talking with her husband; her husband noticed and called for her over to sit next to him.

"This is my wife Makita, Mr. Lazuto." Shizuo induced his wife to the man sitting across from him, and Mr. Lazuto had a smile of some sort making it's way to his face; he eyed Makita's hand on her stomach carefully.

"It seems Mr. Hozu, that your wife here is pregnant." Mr. Lazuto says smiling over at her.

"Makita is this true?" her husband asks, and she nods her head.

"Do you mind if I could feel? To see what future it has instored for this child of yours." Mr. Lazuto says.

"We don't mind do we....Makita?" Shizuo says hugging her with a firm grip on the shoulder, before letting go; as Mr. Lazuto comes over to put his hand on the stomach. Makita hated being touched by men; because of her past, but she hated the Hozu clan even more for doing this to her. He started to rub more into a private area that only Lord Shizuo was allowed to touch, and this was making Makita's husband irritated by the minute.

"That's enough you may go." Shizuo growled flashing his katana out trying to scare the male away from his women. But the male continued to do so on with his business; ignoring the angry male behind, and the women got frighten seeing red petals fly everywhere scattering onto her yukata.

"You will regret ever killing me, I place a curse on every first child born. To bare the pain of the one that gave birth to it." Mr. Lazuto said until he died. Eight months later, Makita went into labor giving birth to her child, and it was as the male from eight months ago said; as the first born child grew it suffered the same fate as it's mother did. So now you understand the story, every first child born into the Hozu clan has to suffer the same fate as that women Makita, and i'm one of those children. Sucks to be me right, anyways i'm a highschool student in the tenth grade; and a fifth rank student in my kendo class. I always showed up in time for practice and didn't leave until 6 p.m.; that's when I met him, Mikoto Yasuga who was the first rank Kendo master of this dojo. I felt my face heat up as he walked over to me as I practice my swings.

"Makita go home." he says as he puts his hand on my shoulder.

"Uh....i will once I'm done with this set." I say back, but he knock the wooden stick out of my hands; knocking me to the floor.

"I said go home, listen to your upperclassmen." Mikoto says to me, and he get's off of me walking to the back where the other wooden swords were kept.

"Listen to your upperclassmen~ nah nah... go home Makita~ nah nah... leave me alone, damn jerk." I say packing up my wooden sword into it's bag, and then went over to the door about to leave; I look back inside wondering if Mikoto was going to be alright by himself.

"Damn jerk!" I say slamming the dojo's door making the building shake a bit. "Oops hehe....forgot can't slam that to hard." I say rubbing the back of my neck. I was making my way to the front of the building until I heard screams of girls nearby, so I ran over to check what happened. As I get over there I see three males towering over two girls from my class.

"Don't be like that sweetie~ we just want to play." a male said to them.

"SOMEONE HELP US!!!" one of the girls screamed for help, and Makita couldn't resist just standing there and doing nothing; so he unsheathed his wooden sword. I ran over to them smacking one of the male in the back of the neck unconscious; as the other two male looked at me annoyed of what I did.

"It's not nice to pick on girls." I say to them, and they cracked their knuckles looking at me angry.

"Punk...who gave you the rights on getting into someone else's problems. Huh?" one of the males said to me, and the one I knocked out swinged his leg to knock me over; I fell to the ground as the kicked me in the stomach.

"Gahh!" I cried out in pain, but this was nothing to what I saw in my past life; i'm used to this, but when it came to giving birth to a child to have the same fate. That was tormenting there, and then I get kicked in the face sending me flying to a fence cutting up my uniform and part of my hands to.

"Serves you right punk for messing into business that is not even your own." A male said pounding his foot onto my face, and rubbed his foot making my hair get dirty from the ground.

"Hey what are you three doing?!" a voice yelled out, and I knew that voice too.  

So how was this for the first Yaoi story, i know it doesn't look like one yet, but i'm working on it. Sorry for leaving it off at a good part, hehehe.... and I Dedicate this to ShayBrandon. Hope you like!

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