Chapter 13: We Meet Again

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(I'm super sorry for posting this chapter late just been feeling bleh my writing just been out of juice lately but I finally got this chapter finished so I'm proud of that! Anyways I hope you guys enjoy the story)

Reminder of chapter form before:

My eyes became droopy from sleepiness washing over and closed my eyes welcoming in the darkness falling deeper into eternal sleep, the last thing i heard before i was gone was,

“Good night my sweet Makita, i’ll make you mine.” the girl said into my ear planting a kiss to my cheek as the once floating pain that surrounded my body faded becoming nice as i felt my body being lifted by the warmness; i took one deep breath in and knock out fast falling asleep.

Back to chapter now:

I could hear strange noises of people whispering throughout the room, that tickled my eardrum making it ring as high pitch noises rushes through as it blazes making me cringe. I opened my eyes in a start seeing nothing but darkness surround me, i started to scream feeling my throat clogged by something in my mouth. The voices that were once whispers were getting louder.

“It looks like he is waking up from the anesthesia, what do you want me to do?” i hear someone says as i groggily try to register who is talking, i then hear another person speak; their voice sounded more feminine then the other one.

“Did you seal up the butterfly wound yet, if not knock the person out again.” they said in a harshful manner, i was too distracted trying to recognize where i knew the voice from; that i didn’t feel the needle entering my back until it was lodged into my spine. I could feel the long metal needle move into a nerve jabbing it as a burning hot sensation set me on fire, even feeling it being pulled out of me hurt as i felt liquid oozing out from my back dripping as it tickles. My mind was rushing faster as my world began to spin around me, the voice that I once could hear were slurred and were unable to register in my ears.

“M-murrf......(h-help)” I moaned out in pain; my body and mind couldn't take it anymore as I float back into darkness.

~dream like state~

My body floated throughout the endless space swirling, and twirling as I couldn't stop spinning. My whole being felt cold; as if I was wedge between layers of ice and antifreeze, and it was hard for me to breath. I tried to open my eyes, but it stung from the force of me trying to open them to see. However there was a whimsical voice that floated through the air, it sounded like I recognized it from somewhere before but couldn't place it.

“You must be Makita Hozu, I do presume.” it was a deep stern voice that shook me to my core, I stayed silent hoping the voice would go away; and once I wake up all this would just be a dream.

“You're not going to get far anywhere with you acting like that.” the voice replied back with a harsher tone. I took a breath in as my eyes opened being blinded by the dark, I felt horse from the sound my raspy voice crooked.

“Sh-shut up! I wasn't asking your opinion here.” I spoke trying to sound confident, but failing to do so as I heard a slight chuckle.

“Says the one running back into darkness.” the abrupt laughter stopped, suddenly I went blind from light; after just getting use to the darkness cloaking me. I shielded my eyes with my hand to adjust to the level of brightness. Once they stop burning from the light I saw an altar, no that wasn't's something from back in the old days when the China dynasty would have. The golden arch with a dragon wrapping it's way around it, butterflies bursting through the wall scrolls as they scatter through the whole sky like ceiling. Torches set aflame lining their way down to a big chair, not just a regular type of chair; more like a royal throne built for royalty. And to add to the colorations the tiles almost glass looking floors were jade-like, while the walls resembled a brilliant color of red flames. I was struck in awe from the artwork that surrounded me, I twirled as if I were a ballerina on the red carpet. Shut up I know you guys are laughing out there from saying I twirled like a ballerina! (Makita knock it off will you, why must you always break the fourth wall!?) Because the readers are laughing at me I know it. (Paranoid much?) Whatever, believe what you want author-San. (Can we please just get on with the story?) I'm the leader I get to say when we get on with the story.(*throws a rock at Makita* I'm the writer here so I'm in charge with the story) Ok we can get back to the story, jeez don't throw things author-san.

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