-chapter 18-

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I awoke in my bed the next morning. Had I dreamt last night? No, I couldn’t have. I had a horrible headache and my teeth on the right side of my mouth had a funny ache about them. I reached up to touch my cheek, and felt the stinging pain of a bruise.

“Good, you’re awake.” My mother’s voice sounded irate.

Oh crap. I was afraid to open my eyes, but I knew I had to.

She was watching me with disappointed eyes.

“Your Father wants to speak with you as soon as you’re dressed.”

“What happened?” I asked warily.

“Gwindire brought you in last night in a mess. He says you passed out. And from the looks of it, pretty hard. I’m disappointed in you Evelyn. You sneak out with a boy in the dead of night and he brings you home hurt. He walked away with his tail in-between his legs. Thank God your father wasn’t awake. Gwindire would seriously have been in major trouble.”

I listened to her scolding. I wondered immediately if Gwindire was okay, and why I had passed out. I told myself I’d see him as soon as I was done with Father. I prayed he didn’t know.

“Gregor doesn’t know.” My mother said. “And I’m not going to tell him. But Evelyn, if this keeps happening, I’m going to have to.”

I only nodded.

Her face softened. “Now, love. Get dressed. You know your father dislikes waiting.”

I obeyed and when I met him, he sat me down across from him and Mother.

“Evelyn, I have wonderful news.” He said to me. “I’ve found a perfect suitor for you.”

My face fell. I couldn’t even help it. I didn’t try to hide it. I was abashed by the fact my father wasn’t going to let the whole marriage business go.

“Now, now. Don’t get upset. He’s very charming. I think you know him.”

I only stared at him.

“A nice man by the name of Rupurt Lembrant. Very respectable, highly prestigious, with a handsome wallet.”

I stared in disbelief. Yes, I knew who Lembrant was. He was a fat old greasy man loaded with money left over from a heritage he had gotten. He ate all the time, smelled horrible and had no sense of direction. Prestigious my foot.

“He’ll be by later today to start the plans. Come by around five this afternoon, dear. And we’ll talk.” He smiled at me. Surely he wasn’t serious? Was this marriage really just for the money? And . . . why?!

I said nothing, due to pure shock as I went down to find my friends. I sat beside them at the breakfast table. They stared at my impassive face.

I took my place next to Hector. He kissed my cheek in greeting.

“Something is troubling you.” Joanna said pointedly.

“My father is marrying me to fat Lembrant.”

Hector spewed his drink. Joanna cringed in disgust as it stained the front of her dress. He stared at me, shocked.

Gwin chuckled. “Not too happy about that, are you, Hector?”

Hector snarled at Gwin.

I laid my head down into my hands. “I can’t believe my father is so dumb.”

“Perhaps,” Joanna hissed, wiping furiously at her dress. “It won’t be so bad. He looks about to die soon. And you’ll be granted with significant money.”

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