-chapter 28-

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I forced myself to breathe calmly. But the sights before me drug my eyes away from my concentrated stare upon Gwindire. There were masses of people here, although not as many as Joanna’s wedding, and most of the faces I recognized. I tore my eyes away to look back upon Gwin as their eyes turned to stare at me.

Already I felt small. Perhaps something was wrong, and they were secretly laughing at me? No, of course not. Don’t be silly, you little girl, I told myself.

Gwindire looked far more beautiful that I thought myself to be. He was dressed neatly in his best armor, as was tradition for a knight’s wedding, with his golden hair tied back into a ponytail with a black ribbon. He watched me with concentrated eyes, as if he had eyes for no other. He couldn’t help but grin.

I focused on not stumbling over my feet in these uncomfortable shoes as Father slowly led me up through the hall, walking daintily upon the red velvet runner that ran through the middle of the hall up to the king’s throne.

When we finally reached Gwindire, I noticed a familiar face out of the corner of my eye, sitting on the first row with my family.

I wasn’t supposed to, but I turned my head to look. My heart jumped immediately when I saw Hector sitting there, a big grin on his face and a look in his mischievous eyes. He had come. He was there for the wedding that we fought hard against. He really supported me, didn’t he?

I had to turn my head back before I got into trouble. My father handed my hand to Gwindire’s, and he took it lightly, leading me up the steps of the platform upon where the thrones sat.

The king sat on my right, with Madeleine on his right and Joanna beside her, with Terrin on his left side. When we reached the top step, the king stood, and the hall was unbearably silent. I could see Joanna beaming at me from the corner of my eye.

I focused on the king’s feet instead.

He started speaking, and I tuned him out just like I had with Joanna’s wedding. I knew my proper cues, vows and whatnot, so I waited patiently. I could feel Gwindire’s restrained excitement beside me. The only thing I could think about was Hector’s eyes upon me.

“Miss Evelyn Lockhart, do you take Gwindire Dolotov’s name in the name of the Lord, the kingdom, and your King?”

“I do.” I spoke clearly, looking directly into Gwin’s eyes as I was supposed to, sliding on the ring that I had been given for this occasion.

“Mr. Gwindire Dolotov, do you take Evelyn Lockhart’s hand in the name of the Lord, the kingdom and your King?”

“I do.” He smiled warmly at me. He slid on another band on top of the engagement one. It was another gold band, but this one had a single garnet infused in the metal. Clever boy. He knew it’d match the necklace he gave me.

“Then, by the power invested in me, I, King Harold the Third of Denwaver, Lord Kartes of Bridwall in Regan of the Fourth Duke of Winchester, pronounce this knight, man and wife.”

The hall erupted in cheer. As was tradition, we weren’t expected to kiss as we were wed; that would or could come later. It was inappropriate to do such. Not like I could kiss Gwin in front of Hector anyways. It’d be simply too much for me to handle.

Oh, the scandalous embarrassment of us all! I almost scorned myself for thinking like a high lady would. I was being sarcastic anyways.

Gwindire led me out of the hall behind the royals and high dukes and duchesses, counts and ladies, out towards the reception that was to be held in the great hall. Just like for Joanna’s. We’d move into the ballroom once everyone was finished eating in the great hall, for the dancing that I dreaded.

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