-chapter 33-

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Only a few minutes passed before Gwindire’s footsteps reached our tent. He popped in, and Geraldine ran to his feet excitedly. She yipped and lightly jumped until he pulled out a small sliver of dried jerky from a pouch on his waist.

She took it and ran to a corner to eat it.

I stared up at him with a frustrated scowl. He still wore that amused smile, and for once I couldn’t read his expression. I was in a pouty mood anyways, and didn’t much feel like playing investigator.

He came over to the cot I had plopped down on and gently kissed my forehead.

“They jest, Eve.” He spoke after I said nothing.

I shrugged.

“Relax. I know how to tell when they’re serious. You really think I would let them talk about you like that?”

His soft words were beginning to coax me out of my pout. I shrugged again anyways. I was too angry to really focus.

“And you didn’t have to tell them you were pregnant.”

“What if I am?” I shot back.

He gave me a skeptic look, that grin of his widening. “I’d know. You’d tell me first, rather than announcing it to the whole bloody camp.”

Well crap. There went that charade.

“Fine,” I mumbled. “They’ve no right to speak like that.”

“Since when do you care?” he chuckled. “This is a battlefield.”

I grumbled under my breath, and watched as Geraldine hopped up onto the cot, licking her lips in delight. Gwindire rubbed her head, and she settled in like a cat would in-between us.

I scratched her favorite spot at the back of her head. “How was the fight today?”

For once he hesitated. That was very unlike him. I kept my expression calm and waited patiently. “Fine,” his voice seemed a bit shaky. “Nothing more than usual.”

“Something wrong?” I looked up at him. “Is someone hurt?” I immediately thought of that time so long ago when Terrin’s ankle was nearly severed. He walked with a limp for months. And Hector’s armor constantly finding new dents wasn’t helping my worry.

He held up a hand for reassurance. “Everyone is fine. Minor injuries to foot soldiers- as are expected. The medics are tending to them.

I pursed my lips. There was something he was hiding from me. I may have only have been his wife for a few weeks, but I had known him my entire life.

“What is it?” I asked, pressing him further.

“Nothing, Eve.”

“Gwin,” I warned. I narrowed my eyes.

Movement outside the tent caught our attention. It was Terrin. He came in diligently, as if there was nothing riding his shoulders. Had he really repressed everything about Joanna? I didn’t ask, to save him the misery I knew he was hiding.

“Gwin,” he spoke. “Your father wants to see you over Sir Gregor.”

Gwindire cast him a warning glance. My suspicions immediately intensified. What had this to do with my father? Had something gone wrong? Was there trouble?

I narrowed my eyes again. “What happened?”

“You didn’t tell her?” Terrin looked frustrated.

Gwin cast him another glance that said ’duh’. Terrin shook his head and looked at me wearily.

“Tell me what? What happened?” I was angry now. I hopped to my feet, fists clenched at my sides. I stared down at Gwin.

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