He Hits You But You Make Up part 1

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"Jack! Why are you ignoring me?" You asked tapping Jack's shoulder.

"(Y/N). Stop!" Jack growled. You looked at him and kept tapping him. He turned toward you and slapped you. You fell to the floor and held your cheek. Tears fell as you looked up at Jack. "(Y/N) I-"

"Don't even try Jack. I'll leave." You said and got up and ran off.

You walked over to Les and smiled. Les smiled back and pointed to David's room. You nodded and walked to the door and walked in to see David working on a piece of writing.

"Hey Davey." You smiled walking over to him.

"Hey (Y/N) i know this maybe asking a lot but can you leave. I'm trying to work on something." David said in a rude tone.

"But I just wanted to come see you." You smiled at David.

"Maybe I didn't want to see you." He said and got up and slapped you. You stumbled backwards and looked at David and ran out.

You and Spot were sitting on his post in Brooklyn and you just kept talking and talking so he got really annoyed and pushed you into the water. He looked down with wide eyes.

"Babe. I'm sorry! I didn't-" He started.

"Oh shut up. I need to be alone." You said and climbed up the ladder and ran to the Brooklyn Bridge.

You just finished your last race for the season and you lost. You were really angry and couldn't hold it in.

"Hey babe." Racetrack smiled.

"I'm not in the mood Race." You growled.

"I'm sorry. I just wanted to see my girlfriend." He said putting his hands up in defense.

"Maybe I don't want to see you!" You yelled. He looked at you with anger in his eyes and slapped you. You held your cheek while you looked at him.

"Babe I-"

"Don't even. I'm not in the mood." You glared at him and ran into your horses stall.

Mush was trying to teach you how to slow dance but you kept stepping on his toe.

"Ouch! Maybe you just won't know how to." Mush said.

"But I want to learn." You complained to him.

"Then stop stepping on my feet!" He yelled. Just to piss him off more you stepped on his toe making him yell in pain. He slapped you not realizing what just happened. You looked at him and ran out.

Crutchy has been in a bad mood all day and you didn't know how to cheer him up so you just tried something.

"Hey Crutch. You okay?" You asked him sitting on his lap. He glared at you and pushed you off. You shot him a glare and booked off running.

AN:I couldn't make Crutchy hurt you like the others. He's too nice.

For idea: Can't remember

Writing: Me

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