Chapter 12

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Your name is Ave. Or is it? You don't know. Ever since he truth was revealed to you, it's all been a blur. Memories long suppressed pouring into your mind, conflicting with the existing memories you had. You can't feel your body... You're probably unconscious. But you couldn't care less right now. You need to figure yourself out. Who are your really? What's your real life?

You heard voice calling. Is it Pierce? Kate? Blaire? Ricky? Who knows. You don't know. You thought you knew, and now you never will...

"Ave!!!" yelled Pierce for the fifteenth time. He was shaking Ave's unconscious body. Kate was surprised to see tears rolling down his face. When she wouldn't wake, he stood up and looked at Kate, fury and rage in his eyes.

"What did you do... What did you do??!" he yelled. Aria jumped in between them. She looked at Pierce with her tear-filled eyes.

"You have no right to be angry." Her voice was frighteningly calm. "You did this to her. You lied to her, created a new person, tortured her mind!!" With every argument, she stepped forward, her voice raising. She ended up a couple feet from him.

"She was our friend. Not your sister!!! You used her for your own good!" She screamed those last words. She took a deep breath, and spoke so quietly, it was barely heard but the others. "You disgust me."

Pierce froze. He opened up his mouth to speak, but no words came out. He took a deep breath, and tried again.

"It started out that way, I admit it. But the more we worked together, the closer I got to her. She was truly like a sister to me. She understood me. And now..." His eyes instantly went from caring to enraged. "You took her from me!" He pushed Aria back and reached for the Gun he had strapped inside his coat. He was aiming it at her, and in a wave of fury, was going to shoot.


A single gunshot was heard. Everyone froze. Blaire looked at Aria, dread in her eyes, preparing herself for what she was going to see. But what she saw bewildered her. Ave was awake. The gunshot brought her out of her trance.

"What the hell is going on here?" Ave looked over at the group of teenagers. They were all pale as could be. All but one. Ricky was standing were he was, his arm held in the air, a gun in his hand. His face was stiff, and his eyes were crying.

"I'm sorry." he whispered. Everyone looked at him, surprised to see him in this position. Then they'd eyes turned to Aria. She sat up, unscathed. Ave looked at her, confused.

"Who got shot? I don't--" Her eyes free as she realized. She looked behind her to see Pierce, his hand clutched to his side, wavering. He fell, Asleide catching him before he hit the floor.

"PIERCE!!" She ran to his side. She looked at his wound, then looked at his face. She was sobbing.

"Let me heal it. I can heal it. Please, just--"

"Stop." said Pierce, his voice rough. "Let me die. I've made too many mistakes to be pardoned, and if I live I'm bound to make more." He coughed, a small trickle of blood falling from his mouth.

 "Ave,  I need to tell you something. I was bad to you. I was horrible. I did things to you that you can't even remember because I ripped the memories out of you, locked them away. But even though i did that to you, i still grew to care for you, like a real sister. But now I know, that I have gone too far.

" And one more thing.You should know the truth. They're right. My biggest mistake was creating you. You're real name is Dina. You are their friend. I thought I could harness your powers and make them my own I was wrong. You have so much potential. you cou be the worst villain, or the best hero. But I have no place in your life. I never did."

Asleide, who had been silent this whole time, was now silently sobbing.

"Don't do this to me. Don't die or I'm going to kill you. Don't die or I'm going to kill them all." she said, her voice breaking and betraying her rage.

Pierce looked at her. "I know you can do the right thing." He put a hand on Asleide's cheek, and she grabbed it with her hand. "Don't kill anyone. Please. I've done enough damage. Don't become me. Be you. I... Love..."

With his last breath, Pierce wiped a tear from her face, and his hand fell limp. He closed his eyes, falling into and eternal slumber. Asleide doubled over in sobs and Ave punched the floor.

"Asleide, I'm sorry." said Ave. She looked at her. Asleide looked back at Ave, her sunglasses catching a small ray of sunlight.

"I knew he would get attached to you. I knew it would be a bad idea to control you." her voice was quivering with a mix of rage and sadness. "I should have killed you when I had the chance."

Ave froze. She stood, and back away. "Asleide..." she whispered. Asleide got up, carrying Pierce's body.

"I hope our paths will never cross again." she said. Turning around, she walked deeper into the forest, and seemingly disappeared.

Ave turned around to face the others. her eyes were crying.

"I've hurt too many people... I can't do this anymore." She walked away from the group.

"What are you doing?" asked Kate, slightly worried.

She centered herself in the clearing. She looked at Kate straight in the eyes. "I'm killing Ave."

She clapped her hands together. A white glow began to emanate from her hands, and she lifted in the air. Streams of light were going around her, changing her features. After a few seconds, the light completely enveloped her, and she slowly dropped back down to the ground. As the light dimmed, her hair was not black, it was hazel. Her clothes were not black, they were white. And he eyes, when she opened them, we're not purple, they were hazel green. She was looking at her hands in amazement.

"I did it..."

"Dina?" asked Kate. 

Dina looked at her. "I'm free again." She began to cry. Kate and all the others rushed to her, hugging her, also crying. Their friend was back. After all this time, she was back. After a couple minutes of crying, Dina stood up.She looked around, and found a big tree. She put her hand on it, and a red light shone from her hand. When she took it off, a rock had been immersed in the tree. On were engraved two names, and a few words for each.

"In memory of Ave,

Who made mistakes that were not hers.


In memory of Pierce,

A man who righted all his wrongs.


"She may have done us harm, but it wasn't her fault. And he deserves proper recognition." She took a deep breath, and looked at all her friends.

"Things are finally back to normal." she said.

"Guys, aren't we forgetting something" said Kate. They all looked at her, confused.

"It's summer break!!!" she yelled, answered with an array of laughter.


A couple months later, everything was sorted after summer. Ricky was still dealing with the fact that he killed someone, but the fact that he was saving Kate comforted him. Dina had been welcome with open arms, and her parents cried for hours on end. Mostly her dad. None of them had forgotten the past year's events, and Dina always kept the memories in her head. They had not completely gone, anyways.

*Sorry for the speedy ending and the unfinished plot holes... I got kind of bored with this story, but I still had to give it an ending. I will be continuing Linked to it's full length, and also starting a short story compilation. It will be on this account, and it will be a place where I will be posting short little stories of ideas that are in my head. I already have a couple, so stay tuned! Hope you enjoyed this story!*

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