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3 weeks later

He was no where in sight. He stopped putting letters on my doorstep. He stopped sending flowers. He left Yoon and I alone once again. I didn't know if I should feel content with this outcome but I sure as hell wasn't going to question his where-abouts.

Yoon was upstairs packing for her trip to her grandmother's. She wanted to see her so bad I couldn't come in between them. Plus I could use this time for myself to think over a few things.

"Yoon, are you almost ready?" I yelled calmy, fidgeting with the watch on my wrist.

"I'm ready, Papa!" Yoon giggled as she dragged her suitcase down the stairs, causing quite the ruckus.

I smiled gently at the sight and went to grab a set of keys. It was a long drive ahead but I knew we'd manage to survive.

"Let's go then, shall we?" She nodded her head quickly and sprinted out the door.

I walked over to the security system I had installed after Namjoon's last visit. It seemed to work well, but it only works well when it's turned on. Within the first few days I'd always forget to push in the pin code to turn it on before I left, but luckily I'm getting better at it. I pressed in the pin code and locked the front door.

"Papa, hurry up and unlock the car!!" Yoon pouted playfully, yanking on the doorhandle impatiently.

"Alright alr-" before I finished my sentenced I sighed heavily. "Just another minute, I grabbed the wrong keys!"

I used the house key to get back inside, going immediately over to the security system that would go off within 2 minutes of not being cleared. I quickly pushed in the pin code that shut the system off and went back over to the tray of keys, snatching the right set. I rushed out the door and unlocked the car quickly by pressing a button as I went down the stone path to my driveway.

Yoon got into her car seat and buckled herself up safely. I got in the driver's seat and smiled into the rearview mirror



I reversed my car and started my drive to grandma's, completely forgetting to not only lock the front door- but to turn on the security system.

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