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"Dana let's go we're going to be late for class!" Kyle screams while walking down the hallway.


"Coming" I yell back to Kyle while fast walking to the next class. I finally catch up to Kyle and the bell rings signalling the start of period 7, which is the last period. I realize Izzy has already sat down and saved me and Kyle a spot. The desks are divided into threes, right behind us is my two other friends Gerald and Vicky. The third person is... well my annoying twin brother Andrew. The teacher left the instructions on the blackboard *Please get into groups of 6 and come up with a theme for our next dance. Once you have decided on the theme create a poster that will be used to compete against other groups. The group that wins for the best theme will win 1000$ that will be used to create your dance*

Me Kyle and Izzy turn around at the same time to face Gerald Vicky and Andrew. "Wow this is a perfect group" Andrew pauses and then points at me "We've got the girl who thinks she can draw" he then points at Izzy and Kyle "Two kids who can't even finish a simple task" and then turns to Gerald and Vicky "Two lovebirds that are too focused on themselves and have no time to pay attention to class" We all start to laugh and I blurt out "And what are you?" Andrew opens his mouth to say something but gets interrupted by Izzy "The boy who thinks he's better than everyone else" I chuckle and give Izzy a thumbs up signalling that she is spot on. Andrew gives a small gasp and then frowns and turns his head to the side. I throw a little piece of my eraser at this face so he'd turn back and pay attention. Which eventually works after throwing about 10 pieces. "So Let's all each say one theme and then we'll have a vote on which one we'll choose to be our main one. I'll start" Kyle says.

"Medieval" Kyle says.

"Magical" Izzy says.

"Horror" Gerald says.

"Sci Fi" Vicky says and starts to hum the x files opening song.

"Costumes" Andrew says.

Lastly my turn "Animal?"

Kyle writes down all the themes and says "Well each vote on the theme we like if the theme gets three votes it'll go onto the second round where we decide on the final theme"

"Who likes the medieval theme?" Kyle raises his hand of course since it was his idea. "I don't think teens would go crazy about a medieval theme you know?" I say.

"Hmm you're right" Kyle says while crossing the medieval theme out. "Next is Magical" Izzy raises her hand and so do I. Izzy clears her throat while saying Vicky. Vicky avoids her stare. "Magical theme is a no as well" Kyle says. Vicky turns her head back and mouths sorry. "Mhm" Izzy says. "Next theme is horror." I raise my hand and so does Gerald and Andrew. Gerald's face lights up and says "woohoo."

"Horror's a yes for the next round."

"What about sci fi?" Kyle says, and Vicky raises her hand and no one else does. "Nope" Kyle says popping the p.

"Lastly Costume" Andrew raises his hand and so do I. "Not enough" Kyle says.

"Wait you forgot about animal" I say noticing he said "lastly costume."

"My bad, lastly Animal" I raise my hand and so does Izzy and Gerald. This time my face lights up.

"Ok So it's between Horror and Animal now" we'll take a silent vote so no one gets mad. "Close your eyes and when I say Animal Or horror raise your hand for the one you like better" we all close our eyes and Kyle says horror. I hear shuffling, which means people are voting for horror at least. "Ok, Next Animal" I raise my hand, but I hear no shuffling. I open my eyes and see that

hello this is the new book I'll be working on, this is the prologue so it's short but the actual chapters will be much longer. I hope you enjoy this book, vote and comment. Thanks

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