Chapter - 13

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Before we start, I'd like to say sorry about not uploading for two or three days straight even though I said I'd upload every day. I've been really busy for the past few days and I haven't really had any ideas pop up. I'm not as creative as I was before since I'm overthinking another problem.

Anyways I'll try and upload as much as I can. I can't promise an upload everyday sorry.

Dana's P.O.V

Me and Stefan haven't talked at all yet. Except for that 4 sentence conversation this morning. He's leaving to go to Ethan's. I say bye and he blows a kiss to me. Because you know me you probably know what'll I do next. I grab it and stomp on it. He gives a hurt expression and then leaves. Now I'm getting kinda nervous, he did the same thing in the dream. The girls are coming over too. I hope they don't come at the same time as they did in the dream. They came at 6:32 exactly.

I look over to the clock and see that the hands about to tick over to 6:32 once it did my doorbell rang. OH GOD what am I going to do??! Am I going to let him kiss me! Nonono that's not even going to happen. No way no way in hell.

"Come in" I yell.

Izzy and Vicky greet me with big grins. "I saw a tall handsome boy leave out of this house." She winks at me.

"I don't know who you're talking about" I scoff and then turn around and head up the stairs and into my room where we'll be doing our make up.

Okay so the dream might not be exact so far, thank god.

"Okay so we have an hour to get ready" I tell them while I start taking out my costume.

I put the costume on and my black pumps. I walk back and fourth twirling around, just to see if I can still walk in these.

"Stefan's going to be excited to see you tonight" Vicky says.

"Eh probably not but ok" I need to act chill. I don't want them to see me get excited or angry. As much as I trust them, I don't really know what's happening between us.

I look at my long brown locks that have been straightened. "Can you curl the ends too. Just the bottom" I ask Vicky. "I feel like all straight is better. I like it better like this" she gives me a small smile while running her fingers through my hair.

"Alrighty" I smile back.

"Your turn Izzy" I sit on the chair and point for her to come here.

Them two have already finished their hair and make up. I'd told them that I'd wait last. So don't think that I'm bossy.

I go for a natural look. A nude look instead of the dark smokey one that I wore in my dream.

Red lipstick because I thought it really made my face glow.

Izzy wanted to contour my face but I told her that it's too much make up. She applies a small amount of this coral colour on the edge of my lids. Then takes a light brown and blends the two together. She puts a little bit of gold sparkles on the inner corner of my eyelids.

Then she takes a gel eyeliner and runs a line across pointing outwards on the edge. Looking like a small wing, then she puts on foundation and concealer.

She applies a matte powder on too and applies mascara on my eyelashes. She added fake eyelashes before the mascara.

She lines my lips and then the matte red lipstick comes on too and I'm finally ready.

I can't wait to see Stefan.

There I finally said it.

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