Chapter - 3

28 3 1

Friday May 29th 

Around 8:30-9:00

"Can I hurt you or no?" I ask him grabbing the dagger and sliding my index finger down the blade. "If you can sure" he smiles. I stick my tongue out. "I'll only use my fists" I scoff. He thinks I'm that easy? We'll see about that. We walk to the centre of the field. I get into my fighting stance while he just stands there. I look him right in the eyes. Then I teleport right in front of him and I slash his hand. He winces and then laughs. He chants something and when he takes his hand off the cut there's nothing there. "What th-" before I could say something he teleports me and throws a punch I quickly dodge it. He keeps throwing punches and I keep dodging them. I throw the dagger down and I grab his flying fist. I flip him over. He grabs my hand and throws me to the side. He pins me down "now what are you going to do?" He asks with a grin. I get one of my hands free and I punch him in the stomach. That hurt my fist more than it did him. If only I fucking had abs. I wince, he just laughs. I push him off of me and I throw a punch at his face. Making him bleed. He throws a punch back and hits me in the face. I gasp, I didn't think he'd actually hit me. Now I'm angry, I hiss. My fangs come out and my eyes turn a deep dark red. "You're going to pay" and I launch myself on to him. Now he's pinned down to the ground. I throw punches after punches at his face. I grab the dagger that was laying right beside me in the once tall green grass now it's flattened. I bring the dagger right to his neck.

"I win" I hiss.


I take the dagger off and he grabs me by the waist. Now he's on top of me and the daggers at my neck. "I didn't say yes" he smirks.

I hiss again "Now I win"

"Sure" I copy what he said before.

The dagger goes further deep into my neck I feel him cut a part of my flesh. "Yes" he takes the dagger from my neck. He puts his hand on my neck and chants a few words this time loud so I can hear. He takes his hand away. I quickly touch the spot where he touched and there's nothing there, just the blood from the cut that was there.

"How?" I ask him.

"Me and Jen were close friends, she taught me some spells from her book. I can teach you too." I smile

"But, you need to listen" I frown.

I push him off of me and start walking back to the house. I know that he's near so I ask "do you have Netflix?"

"Yes" good if he didn't I would've yelled at him.

"I've been watching supernatural, you like that show?" He asks me

"NO WAY" I turn around "DO YOU ACTUALLY?" He laughs "yah I do, wanna watch it together?"

"Sure let me go get in my pjs and you prepare popcorn" I run up the stairs and then I realize what I've just agreed to do. I smack my self. Why did I just agree to spending time with him. Sigh. I get into my silk black Pajamas. Yes I know I wear a lot of black. But I like black so of course a lot of my wardrobe is going to be black. Since it's warm and it's almost summer so I'm not in my onesie. Im wearing my silk shirts and silk top. It's not too revealing of my more womanly parts but it kinda is. It's not my fault I wear those kinds of things because I'm comfortable wearing it with my parents around. I couldn't care less about what Stefan thinks about it. He doesn't even like me, and I sure as hell don't like him. Anymore at least.

I put some rose scented lotion all over my body and let my long brown locks down. My long legs are nice and shiny. I'm pretty tall but Stefan's still quite taller than me. Which I find very attractive. Dana stop it you know you can't start liking him again I sigh.

I give up I don't think I'll be able to stop my feelings. I've liked him ever since he came. Since 10th grade, it's been two years. I can't just ignore those feelings. Ugh I can't wait till we can find Jen. Oh Jen where are you.

I look at myself once more in the mirror and then head down the stairs. I walk into the living room and see bowls of three different types of popcorn and a bunch of pillows and one big blanket. "Stefan?" I call out. No reply, I walk over to the large couch and sit down. "Boo" Stefan whispers in my ear. I jump and the playful hit him on the arm. "Haha very funny"

"Ok are you ready for Netflix and chill?" He laughs and I hit him harder this time. He puts his hands up in defence "okay okay we can watch Netflix and actually chill" I don't reply this time. He starts supernatural

30mins later.

Stefan's P.O.V

She looks so cute sleeping like that. I stroke her hair gently. Her head is in my lap. I cover her with the the blanket. She snuggles closer to me and wraps her hands around my arm. "God" I mumble. It's 12am, I'll take her to bed. I pick her up wrapping he legs around me. She wraps her arms around my neck and snuggles into the crook of my neck. I don't think I'll be able to get her off of me. I'll just take her to my bed I guess. I take my slippers off and hers and climb into bed with her still clutching on to me. Once I cover us with the blanket her legs unwrap from mine and she just lays them close to me. I kiss her forehead and say goodnight. She puts her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her.

March 30th

Late maybe like 6 or 7

Dana's P.O.V

That was one of the best sleeps I've had in a long time. I press myself tighter to the body pillow and snuggle my head closer. I feel the body pillow tighten its grip on me. Wait a minute. I open my eyes wide "WHAT THE FUCK" I scream and push myself away. Stefan shoots his body up "WHAT HAPPENED ARE YOU OKAY?" I quickly cover my chest area. "What the duck happened last night?!" He sighs and plops down onto the bed. "We had sex you said it was the best you've ever had actually the only you've ha-" I cut him off by teleporting on top of him pinning him down and putting my hand on his mouth "you better be lying or I swear to go-" he cuts me off by pinning me down. "Or?" I gasp and then shove him off of me. "Pig" and I storm out of the room.

Once I get into my room I squeal and start jumping around. There might be a chance that he actually does like me! I do my happy dance. I stop realizing how stupid I look right now, all we did was snuggle. But eeeek we snuggled.

I hear a knock on my door and I jump hoping he didn't hear me jump or squeal. "Come in" he walks in dressed in a suit. "I gave Maria the day off so we're going to a restaurant for dinner dress fancy because we're going to go with two members from the council. They want to see how the first day went." He walks away before I can answer him back.

Fancy huh?

I look immediately at my red tight dress.

This book will slightly be similar to Mind games because there will be readers from that book who checkout this one. Because I'm discontinuing Mind games I want people who enjoyed Mind games to enjoy this book as well. Thanks for reading

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