Chapter - 2

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Stefan's P.O.V (Mr. Joanne)

May 29th 2052

She's following me like a little dog. She's so weak, one punch and I knocked her out. Hah, and she was at the top of my class! She has so much potential. She's exactly like her sister, it was my idea to get her to join the keepers society. They wanted to kill her because she listened to our conversations and because they couldn't trust her. I couldn't let them kill her. I've known her for a long time, I didn't wanna see her die. I told them that if she became a keeper she would be a better chance at finding Jen. I also said I'd keep an eye on here. Which meant her living in my house with me. She's going to freak once she figures that out. Her parents are part of the council so they should've heard the news by now. I ordered my servants to go get her belongings and bring them to my house. I wonder how I'm going to break this news to her?

Oh hey guess what you're moving to my house and your parents are part of the council, Bye. HAH

I can't wait till she moves in, I'm going to make her better than Jen. Jen and I were best friends. We were the strongest pair out of the keepers. I was devastated when I figured out that she disappeared. There were 5 of us, Jen had the book of Spells. One of my other close friends that was also a keeper disappeared. They were the only two, Gerard and Jen. Gerard had the book of Dark Magic.

Lucy has the book of Potions. I have the book of Weapons. The keeper that had lost the book had the book of Secrets. It was the most important book, and it landed right in The Qwerts hands. I'm going to share my book with Dana, since she would be amazing at it. Maybe even better than me. Before we can even speak of finding Jen we have to start Dana's training.

Dana is one of those girls that'll never give up until she perfects whatever it is that she's doing. She's cute too.

Did I really just say that? Whatever who am I kidding, I have had my eye on her for a while. She's sweet and she just lights the room up with her smile. But she's still in school. Luckily it's the last two months. Our training will end around the same time school ends for her. Which is good because we can focus on finding Jen then.

I'm going to quit my job teaching after she graduates. The whole reason of me teaching was to keep an eye on her since she was royal blood AND she was Jens sister.

"Sir?" I shake my head and finally get out of my thoughts to find Dana waving her hand in front of my face with a worried expression. I laugh, "why do you still call me sir or by my last name?" She gives me an annoyed look "maybe because you haven't told me your real name?"

After knowing each other for so long I still haven't told her my name. I sigh,  "it's Stefan."

Dana's P.O.V

I can't believe I didn't know his name. I like his name. Stefan. I keep repeating his name over and over in my head. He continues walking and I continue to follow him until we walk into a room. The room is enormous it has pictures of people all on the sides. There are 5 seats behind a brown large desk. (The ones that judges sit behind) There sit 5 people. Two of them catch my eye I gasp. "Mom? Dad?"

A few moments pass and Stefan clears his throat. "Have you guys made your decision?" Stefan asks the people sitting behind the desk. I'm guessing they're the council and this is the council room.

The leader that's in the middle says "We agree with you." He pauses

"Once she graduates she will go after Jen. For the time being she will live under your roof and train everyday and night until she surpasses you. She will need to maintain good grades. If she fails to succeed any of those she will be killed." Then he stares right into my eyes "And no one else will know of this." I gulp.

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