Chapter - 10

16 3 5

1 week from June 1st

"i need that done right now or the dance will not be finished. Got that?" i say in a angry tone to make sure they listen. "Y-yes" the freshman say and go back to hanging up cobwebs and setting up the table for glow sticks. Tomorrow needs to be perfect, it's our last dance of my high school year. We'll have one more in some big banquet hall at the end of the year for graduates. Stefan's here supervising. I complained to the principal that we should not have teachers, but they would not allow the dance to run without supervision. Stefan's just grinning at me, I shoot him the middle finger to show that I'm still mad at him. He just laughs and blows me a kiss. I pretend to stomp on it. He gives a fake hurt expression.

He gave me a 45% on my weapons quiz. Before you judge me. It was totally unfair, he's a horrible teacher first. Always flirting with the other girls. Two he always shows off in front of the other girls. Three.. Three I'm jealous. Oh god... How could I be jealous?! I don't even like him! He's rude he shows off he doesn't even care about me. HE FAILED ME! Now I have to stay after school with him to study. Great, like i don't spend enough time living with him. On top of that he had to tutor me. I'm glad Kyle's here to support me. It's been a rough day. I had to sew together some ripped costumes. I hadn't drank blood all day, I'm so tired. It's like I'm going to pass out.


Stefan's P.O.V

She just passed out. BAHAHAHAHAHAHA , she so deserved the 45%. She can't take care of herself how does she expect to learn how to properly use a weapon. The dance is tomorrow so we don't really have to rush but she's going crazy like its last minute. I'll make sure she's okay tonight after schools over. I want her to be healthy. She thinks I'm so cold, it's just that I don't like expressing myself too much. Since everyone I trust always turns their backs on me.

Dana's P.O.V

I wake up to see I'm in the nurses office. She left me a cup of blood on the table to get me back to normal. Kyle probably went home since schools already over. I spent almost the whole day sleeping, I wish someone had waken me up.

I'm walking home today, I don't think I have enough power to teleport all the way home. I haven't spoken to mom and dad in a long time, maybe I should call them to come get me. I start to walk out of the car to see Stefan standing beside his car. I call out to him "what are you doing out here?" I start walking towards him and he gives me a friendly smile. "Waiting for you, now hurry up"

School ends at 4 and its 6 right now. He waited 2 hours for me?! What the fuck was he doing for the past two hours? Flirting with one of the pretty school teachers probably. I frown and just get in the car. "Thank you for waiting" I tell him. "I'll always wait for you."

Home now.

As much as I'd like to stay home I need to go buy a costume with Vicky.

(A/the dance is basically going to be like a regular halloween dance. They get to dress up in costumes and stuff.)

Party city

"This place has so many cool costumes" Vicky says.

"I know!" I say back

"What are you leaning towards more? Sexy or actually scary?" I choke.

Sexy? Never thought of that. I was thinking of being a devil. Horns and a big staff. Maybe a tail too.

(Imagine the Devils weapon how you want to imagine it.)

I'd wear a plain red skirt and a red long sleeved shirt. I'd wear black heels because I find flats really uncomfortable. Shoes wouldn't really fit my costume.

"I don't think it's going to be either" I chuckle.

"What about you?" I continue.


I wish I was more like Vicky, she's not afraid to show off a little more. I'm more hidden. She has a nice body too, perfect for that type of stuff. I have a nice body too but,

I'm uncomfortable. I'm afraid that people will judge me. Or call me names, so I avoid wearing flashy things.

"For Andrew" I smirk

"Noooo!" She blushes and turns away.

Haha she's too obvious. I can read her like an open book. That's what I love about Vicky. She's so confident and amazing. She's always smiling and happy, she's like my role model.

"So what's the dealio with you and Stefan" she nudges my shoulder.

"What about us?" Omg I said "us"


"Did he ask you to the dance?" She says.

"He's a teacher for gods sake." I whisper yell not wanting to cause a scene.

"Oh come on, have you guys done it yet. I mean you do live in the same house."


"No and even if we did I wouldn't tell you." I tell her.

"Have you guys kissed atleast" she asks.

"No" I sigh "but I wish we would have by now."

I quickly close my mouth. Did I say that out loud?!

Vicky starts to laugh. "Oh god" I say.

"Make a move then" she says.

"I can't"



"Why because!"

"Because he doesn't care about me"

She grabs my shoulders firmly.

"How can you be that dense. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you? He cares about you so much" she says.

"No he doesn't, he's always busy looking at the other lady teachers or the other girls."

She playfully slaps me. "When you passed out he was with you in the room the whole entire time. He kicked Kyle out and stayed with you."

My eyes widen in shock.

"But he was outside"

"He didn't want you to catch him. He's too afraid to show his feelings for you. I've had feelings for Andrew for so long. I was just like you. I denied everything. You need to do something before he gets away.

"You're right" I pause

"I need to do something"

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