Chapter - 14

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Vicky Izzy and I take a lot of pictures to upload to our Instagram later.

I'm not going to think about the dream. I'm just going to go with the flow. Instead of stressing out about what's going to happen.

If we kiss, that's fine. If we don't, that's fine too.

If we did kiss, what would we be like? I mean it'd be weird if we were still friends. Would he want me to be his girlfriend?

Wait. Do I want him to be my boyfriend?

No Yes No Yes.

I don't even know.

Am I even ready for a boyfriend?

I ended up stressing about this, so much for trying not to.

We pull up to the school. Vicky says that she's going to find Andrew. Me and Izzy "ooooh" and she just runs away.

Izzy and I walk to the entrance and a few stupid grade twelves whistle at us. I give them the dirty look so that they don't try anything. Which they don't.

Izzy leaves me as well. I start to panic again. But I quickly calm down.

Before she leaves I ask her to check the dance if Stefan's in there yet. She shakes her head and then waves goodbye.

I start to walk down the hallway slowly, watching where I step. I don't feel like twisting an ankle today in these pumps. I chuckle at the thought of that, even though it's not a laughing matter.

"Stefan" I call out, just like in the dream.

Focusing on my surroundings, the windows are cracked and there are cobwebs everywhere. The lights are flickering, and there's "blood" which is really red paint in the walls. I start to rub my nails. I do it all the time, it calms me.

I sense something, something strong. I've been training for a few days now. Secretly stealing his book. He's probably realized by now but just hasn't said anything. I think it's Stefan, but I'm not quite sure.

I call out once more


I feel something warm wrap it's arms around my waist.

"Yes princess?" He whispers quietly in my ear.

I said I'd take action.

Flashback to chapter 10

"Because he doesn't care about me"

She grabs my shoulders firmly.

"How can you be that dense. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you? He cares about you so much" she says.

"No he doesn't, he's always busy looking at the other lady teachers or the other girls."

She playfully slaps me. "When you passed out he was with you in the room the whole entire time. He kicked Kyle out and stayed with you."

My eyes widen in shock.

"But he was outside"

"He didn't want you to catch him. He's too afraid to show his feelings for you. I've had feelings for Andrew for so long. I was just like you. I denied everything. You need to do something before he gets away.

I Can'tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora