Chapter - 15

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"......And as we speak, we can make change"

I say proudly into the mic in front of me. Everyone cheers and throws their hats into the air.

Smiling faces, happiness surrounding me,it's incredible.

I walk down the stage floor in the auditorium where we had our graduation. Andrew and the gang all come walking to me. Smiles on their faces, Andrews arm is wrapped around Vicky's waist.

Yes that happened. They're a thing now, it's cool. When Andrew has problems about his relationship with Vicky he comes to me, same thing with Vicky. I get all the dirt, and I can help them better knowing what bothers them about their relationship.

Me and Stefan have had a few problems but I think we're strong, for now.

It's hard to put all my trust into him, as much as I want to I just can't.

I can't

I'm madly in love with him, yet i can't fully trust him yet.

Am I really in love with him then?

Maybe we rushed into things we should've taken everything slow.

He told me to pack my bags and that a day after graduation we'd go somewhere far, somewhere we'd be far away from everyone.

I packed some nice swim suits, incase we go to a tropical place.

I also packed a lot of light clothing since its summer now and it's hot!

I wonder if we'd sleep in the same room.

Or same bed.

We've already done that, but now that we're a couple. I'm just nervous that's all.

Mom, Dad and I have gotten a lot closer ever since graduation started coming up.

They started to try and convince me not to go after Jen, saying it was too dangerous.

What was the point of me training with Stefan then? She's my sister too, if I had the chance to find her id take it. I know she'd do the same if she was in my position.

After we get back from the vacation Stefan promised me that we'd go and look for Jen.

He said he'd hire a warlock, they're good at finding spells. Of course they dont use the same books as us, since they're demons. Well actually I should take that back.

We are both demons and we both are monsters. It's just that they're from a different "race" I guess you could call it.

We're both just as bad.

"I can't believe we're finally done with school" Izzy says.

We all nod as in agreement.

"So now what? Who's got plans for the summer" Kyle asks.

"Me and Vicky are going to just hang around because when September comes we'll be split up since she's going to an all girls blood academy so I just want to be wth her before she leaves."

Andrew pauses

"And well, I don't know what I'm going to do yet" he shrugs.

"I'm stuck here" Izzy says.

"Same" Kyle says.

"I- well, I'm going somewhere with Stefan and I don't know when I'm coming back" I say.

"I won't be too long maybe 1-2 weeks"

I shoot a look at Andrew to play along. I haven't told anyone that I'm going to leave to find Jen. Andrew wants to come with us but, I don't want him to get hurt.

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