The Visit

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  • Dedicated to Richard White

George stands there looking through his bedroom window out onto the ocean. The full moon is bright in the center of the star filled sky. The moon reflects off the dark waters of the pacific. He looks to the horizon and notices a figure forming in the distance. Then another figure forms to the side of the first. Shadow after shadow forms on the horizon until it looks like and army of silhouettes. The line begins to move towards him floating over the water. Closer and closer they get gliding effortlessly over the calm waters of the Pacific Ocean.

They reach the shoreline and he starts hearing drums beating in the distance. Suddenly torches flame up being held by each individual shadow. Their other hands lifting spears into the air and hitting the ground as they march towards him.

His heart starts pounding in his chest in rythmn with the drumbeat that gets louder as the army of shadows get closer. He stands there frozen unable to take his eyes off of the mysterious marchers. Fear starts gripping him tighter with each passing moment. He tries to move away and run. His body feels like lead his legs glued to the floor.

The flame from the torches begin to light the faces of thier bearers.Gortesquely disfigured faces littered with battle scars. Eyes cold and unblinking cut into him like a thousand razors sending shockwaves through his body. He watches helplessly as they march into his back yard and stop. One by one they slam thier torches into the ground bathing thier scarred bodies in an ominous glow. Thier muscular arms lift up from the torches and point straight at him. He tries to scream but his voice fails him.

The drums beat faster and faster his heart thumps in his chest so hard his shirt shakes. They lift thier spears high into the air and with one great big war cry they all come charging in at them. George cringes waiting for the collision of bodies but nothing comes. He opens his eyes slowly and only sees the torches still standing lit stuck in the ground.

His heart still racing like he just ran the Honolulu Marathon George looks around. No sound of drums, no warrior cries, just the sound of a lone cricket fill his ears. The only movements are the flames of a every torch dancing in a gently breeze. Relieved that there is nobody outside he grabs the curtains and pulls them closed.

Hands grab him and pull him backwards. He tries to scream but the hands cover his mouth. He feels them lift him into the air. Voices yelling and cheering in victory, drums thundering in his ears. He is carried and thrown with his back landing on his bed. Hands swarm in and grab his arms and legs. Disfigured faces look down on him bearing thier blood stained teeth. All goes silent. A giant of a man stands to the side of his head speaking. His words uncomprehendable to him. Huge arms lift a club into the air. Voices start chanting the drums return with a vengence. the club raises into the air its spiked head almost touching the ceiling pausing for a moment before coming down on him.

George lets out a earth shattering scream. His eyes fly open, his body soaked in sweat, heart pounding so hard his chest burns. Brad sits against the wall on the floor still screaming. Jessica can be heard screaming in the next room.

Halye runs in the room. "DON GO CHECK ON THE GIRSL! WHAT'S WRONG?! WHAT'S THE SCREAMING ABOUT?!" she says putting her hand on George's shoulder.

"NO! DON'T TOUCH ME! LET ME GO!" George screams thrashing back and forth. His heas still foggy and his eyes trying to focus. Haley's face comes into focus and he throws his arms around her neck and hugs her tight. "Please don't let them hurt me" he sobs. Tears streaming down onto her shoulders.

"Don't worry baby I'm here I won't let anything hurt you." Haley runs her hand up and don her back. "It was just a bad dream." George gets up, runs to the window and pulls the curtains open. "DON!!!!!!!" Haley screams at the sight of a hundred torches standing lit in the yard.

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