Field Trip Day

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  • Dedicated to Sandy Visaya

The school bell rings on field trip day. Mr. Corbin takes attendance and releases the 3 kids that are unable to go to the heaiu to head to Mrs. Afaga's fifth grade class where they will stay for the day. "Okay everyone else grab your things and line up outside we will be heading to the bus shortly. Ms DeLima you will be riding up front with me."

"OOOOOOH" a few of the students say being led by Jessica and Jenny.

"Be quiet kiss...... I mean kids and go line up unless you want to just stay here." Mr. Corbin says turning and winking at Ms. Delima. Giggles come from a few of the girls in the class.

The kids walk out of the class and line up in two lines on the covered walkway. Mr. Corbin locks and shuts the classroom door and leads them up the covered walkway. They pass K building where students are quietly listening to thier teachers. When they get to the street they turn down towards the cafeteria. Once they pass the cafeteria they cross the street and walk towards the high school football field where 2 buses are waiting. Students from the other 2 fourth grade classes are lined up ready to board the buses. Mr. Corbins class reaches the bus, starts filing in, and taking thier seats. George and Brad sit in the seat directly behind Jessica and Jenny. After all the students are on the bus and seated Mr. Corbin takes a head count and Ms. DeLima sits in the front seat. After Mr. Corbin gives the driver his approval the driver shuts the door, starts the bus, and drives up the road.

"What did you guys bring for lunch?" Brad asks peeking over the back of Jessica's seat.

"Two Lunchables, a cupcake, some chips, and 3 cans of juice." George says.

"My dad made Korean Chicken and Fried rice and I got cheetos and a few Mt Dews." Jenny says in a smug little voice.

"I got carrot sticks and 2 bottles of water." Jessica says disappointed that once again she has the worst lunch ever. "Mom had to work so my grandma made my lunch. She says that I need a really strict diet so I can lose some of this fat." Jessica looks down and pats her stomach.

"You aren't FAT!" Brad Protests. "You can have some of my food. My mom always over packs for field trips. I swear she thinks that I'm going to get stranded on a desert island or something. but it works I have a chicken katsu bento, 6 spam musubi, 6 Pieces of fried chicken a big bag of doritos and like 8 cokes."

"Thanks Brad. You can keep the Doritos though they smell like feet." Jessica's normal response whenver anyone mentions Doritos.

The Bus ride is about 45 minutes long and loud. All the students seem to be talkint to someone clear to the other side of the bus rather than to the students closest to them. Mr. Corbin and Ms. DeLima are talking to each other in the front seat and smiling.

The bus reaches Spencer Beach Park anbd turns right onto a short drive and parks yards away from the Pu'ukohola Heiau Visitors Center entrance. The second bus pulls and parks right behind the first. Mr. Corbin stands up and clears his throat. "HmmHmm! Listen up. All you are going to need right now is a notebook and something to write with. Everything else can be left on the bus. We will be back to grab your lunches when it is time to eay. When you go outside I want two lines formed like we do at school. This side of the bus is going with me and the other side is going with Ms. DeLima. You will listen to her like she is one of the teachers. Do you understand?"

"Yes Mr. Corbin." All the students say in loud unison.

"Good now get out and let's go learn something."

George, Brad, and Jessica look at each other excited that they are all in the same group being led by George's Mom. "I hope they have a guide. I don't think your mom knows much about this place." Brad says to George as he fixes his glasses yet again.

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