The Pact

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They look at each other in astonishment. Her words playing in their heads. "How did she????" Jessica says confused.

"Hold on wait... We need to get back to the truck I need to find something." George says grabbing Jessica's hand and running back to the rope swing. "we need to head beachside and work our way to the zigzag trail".

"George let me go it'll be easier if I run not get pulled." Jessica says tired of being dragged over the rocky road.

George let's her hand go and Jessica takes her place with him stride for stride. Her hair trailing behind her as they sprint past fern patches and taro patches. When they reach the truck they pause to catch their breath.

Don is organizing the back of the truck while Haley, Elizabeth, and Brad are cleaning up their little picnic area. "Just in time come pick up any opala and throw it in the trash. You have to take care of the land." Haley says pointing them to debris nearby.

"That's not from us." Jessica whispers to George still trying to catch her breath.

"I know but my mom doesn't care she always talks about loving the land. Let's help clean so we can get to the beach."

George walks with Jessica around the area picking up any trash that they find. When George is satisfied that they have gotten their share of cleaning done he ties the bag of garbage up and puts it in the back of the truck. "Okay guys let's go. Get in." Don calls out

The kids all jump into the bed of the truck. George and Jessica stand at the cab while Brad and Elizabeth take their seats in the wheel Wells.

They ride back towards the road that brought them down into the valley. When they reach the fork in the road they stay to the left instead of going up the road leading home to their right. Thick brush and trees line both sides of the road. The smell of guava trees and passion fruit fills the air.

The dirt road turns to black sands covered in pine needles as they enter a pine tree forest getting closer to the beach. The deep blue of the Pacific ocean starts coming into view. The smell of guavas is replaced with the sweet smell of salt water and naupaka plants that are scattered around the beach. The sounds of crashing waves fills their ears. Don turns to the left heading towards the river keeping the ocean on their right. Smooth boulders of river rock and drift wood line this side of the beach. There are a few surfers out in the water taking advantage of the sets rolling in.

The mouth of the river joins the ocean followed by a long stretch of shining black sand beach that looks like it's twinkling in the afternoon sun. Pine trees line the beach yards away from the shoreline. At the other end of the beach stands the sheer cliff making up the northern part of the valley. A trail looking like a poorly drawn lightning bolt zigzags it's way from the top of the cliff down to the base.

Don parks the truck between two pine trees overlooking the river.

"That's where she said to go." George says pointing at the base of the zigzag trail.

"Yeah but can we really trust that old woman?"

George grabs his bag and pulls out some folded papers from inside his wallet. "I printed these out this morning." He says unfolding one of the papers. "Here she is with me and Elizabeth last year. My mom called her Kumu Ida."

"So you do know her?"

"Apparently but I don't remember taking this picture."

"okay well how we gonna go see her?"

"that's the question right there."

They all get out of the truck. And pull out beach chairs sitting them in front of the truck on the sand. George helps Don pull the cooler out and sets it beside the truck. "Don can I take Brad and Jessica fishing at the tilapia pond?"

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