Back at school

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The bus ride back to the school is full of noise. The kids are talking and laughing and carrying on about their day. One group of kids are talking baout the balancing stone and another is talking about who beat whom in the spear throw. While others are talking about making feather dusters and lauhala fans and who they are going to give them to.

Only three voices aren't heard amongst the crowd of excited children. They sit in silence as their classmates continue to laugh and have a good time. George lifts his throbbing head up from his hands to see what Brad and Jessica are doing. Bread sitting to his left is leaning up against the window with his eyes closed playing drumbeats on his lap. Peeking around the seat in front of him he sees Jessica staring down at her lap biting the thumbnail on her right hand.

George puts his face back in his hands and his head continues to throb. His mind swimming with question after question. Where were the people standing atop the heiauand why were they looking at him? What was that voice that he and the others heard at the stone stairs? Did anyone else see the figures on the heaiau or hear the voice?

The bus pulls into the school and parks next to the football field. Mr. Corbin stands up and intructs the students. "Please make sure to grab all of your belongings and pick up any trash that may have fallen on the floor. Don't forget to tell the bus driver mahalo for taking you on the field trip." The students grab their things and start to file off the bus thanking the bus driver before departing the bus and lining up on the sidewalk to wait. After the bus driver makes his way through the bus and gives a thumbs up to Mr. Corbin, Mr. Corbin releases the extra students back to their teachers. Mr. Corbin then leads his class down the sidewalk, across the street and back to his class stopping by Mrs. Afaga's class to pick up the three students that were left behind.

Once in the classroom everyone takes their seats. "I hope you all enjoyed todays field trip and took lots of notes. On monday we will be talking more about the heiau and the story behind Pu'ukohola. Now you are free to talk or play amongst yourselves for the rest of the day. Just stay inside and don't get loud."

The class cheers and the kids start moving around and talking to each other. George looks up at the clock above the chalkboard. "Great 1:15 I have and hour to wait. I just want to go home." he mumbles to himself.

George pulls out a blank piece of paper and a pencil and starts to draw on it. He feels like something is moving his hand for him as he watchses a palm tree form to the left side of the paper then three more on the right side. He starts thinking about the games that they played and the paper begins to go blurry.

He is back at the beach spear in hand standing feet away from the throwing line. He starts to move forward moving his throwing arm back and his other arm forward to balance himself. The spear feels natural in his hands like he has thrown it hundreds of times. His eyes are locked on the stump yards away. The world around him dissolves until only his target remains. His throwing arm comes forward and his hand releases the shaft of the spear. He watches as the spear flies upwards until it reaches its apex and starts down towards its target. The tip of the spear finds its home in the center of the stump with a thud. Kids start cheering and the rest of the world reappers. He looks around and people are clapping and congratulating him on his great throw.

George opens his eyes and he is sitting at his dest with his head laying on his arm. The pencil in his right hand still standing with its tip on the piece of paper he was drawing on. He raises off the desk and looks at the paper. Draw between the palm trees is the familiar couch like shaped top, Terraced midsection and sloped bottom of the heiau. On each side of the topmost terrace stand wooded stuctures that resemble look out towers. He recognizes the stone steps leading up to the heiau and the path that seems to disappear int the solid heiau wall. In the center of the top terrace a tall shadowy figure stands with its arm stretched out pointing in his direction. Smaller sharows line up on both sides of the taller one with spears in hand and all seeming to be staring straight off the paper and directly into his eyes. He grabs the paper off of his desk, folds it up and puts it into his packet. He then puts his pencil into his desk and stands up.

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