Part One: Phil

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Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Phil checked his watch: 19:36. He stood up and closed his laptop, and turned off all of the lights. Straightened his tie, and left his apartment. The squeaky door opened. Phil stopped and looked back at the mostly emptied apartment. All that remained in the apartment were Phil's things and Dan's last couple of cardboard boxes and suitcase. He and Dan had a fight, and Dan was moving out. Phil thought it wrong to stay in the apartment without Dan. Without that one spot on the carpet in the hallway where Dan had many existential crisis's. Without being able to wake up at 3am and here Dan talking to himself or laughing at some insane Tumblr post. And without a person to make great and horrible puns with. Now, all of those times were gone. All of those memories, and all of the memories yet to be made. No, there were no more memories to be made with Dan Howell. Well, he wasn't going to let that ruin his best night ever. He turned away from the darkened apartment and closed the door, locked it, and went out into the dark of night.

He walked slowly but with enough haste to get where he was going on time. The light glow from the street lamps on every corner was enough to light his way. He was alone. All except for the occasional pass of a taxi or cyclist. His footsteps echoed on the cobblestone road. He checked his phone. The light emitting from it was brighter than normal, so he turned it down furiously, as if the light was being rude as to shine so bright in this dark time of Phil's life. He thought to himself, I should be happy right now. I mean, I'll have more room for some new houseplants..? And, I won't get yelled at for eating Da- uhm, I mean, for eating cereal early in the morning..? Phil was troubled. Almost every memory of that apartment included Dan. He shouldn't be thinking of Dan now. He was going out, on his own, and with no one to make inappropriate jokes about coats having threesomes. Ahhh, he really should contact Louise. Her Birthday was awhile back and he hadn't a chance to wish her well.


The door to the Church was squeaky. But, it was better than outside, as it was beginning to rain and Phil didn't have an umbrella. Dan would probably have had an umbrella. The thunder was constantly getting louder and putting a small panic in the back of Phil's mind. But that was the least of his problems at the moment. He had a fight with Dan about a year ago. And, after that, Phil got himself a significant other. Their name is Sam. Sam was wonderful. They would always speak out if something was bothering them in the media or things in everyday life like going to Starbucks for coffee and hear some rude or offensive comment about race or sexuality or anything that might offend anyone. But, it did tend to get them in trouble. But, Sam would get over it and say that "it was worth it to help someone get the justice they need for their certain circumstance." And that's what Phil loved about Sam. Everyone in the media always thought that Dan and Phil would get together. No. They were wrong. Phil had found the very person he was looking for. Someone who cared for him as much as he cared for them. Not that Dan didn't care for him, but not in the way that Sam did.

Sam was not tall, nor short. They were a little shorter than Phil, but isn't almost everyone? Well, except for Dan, but that's only by one inch! Sam had breathtaking green eyes with little gold flakes around the pupil, and brown mainly around the outer edge of their eye. They had beautiful dark brown hair that constantly fell in front of their beautiful eyes. They were with a pale complexion and a skinny build, but surprisingly strong for their appearance. They often wore darker colors but with a little more differentiation from week to week. They had their ears pierced along with a nose ring stud. They were quite a stunning human being!

The Church was mostly emptied except for Phil, a couple of his mates and Sam. Phil was dressed up to the nine in a tux and snazzy shoes. With his black fringe combed to perfection. His hands remained in his pockets to reassure himself that no one could see him shaking. He was so nervous. He had never done anything this important before. It was life changing. It was only four words. And there was only one answer. One answer that could change his life forever...

He was still in the lobby of the Church. The leather souls of his shoes hitting against the velvety carpet of the church hallway. There were mirrors. He looked at his troubled face. He saw a bead of sweat drip down the side of his face. He used the back of his sleeve to wipe it away. He didn't stay still long enough to see a single tear run down his pale, but flushed face. He wiped it away. Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. Pacing. Always pacing. Like an army soldier. In unison with the ticking of the clock. Tick tock. Clip clop. Tick. Clip. Tock. Clop. Tick. Tock Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock would never stop. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock would never stop. The clock would never stop! Clip. Clop. Tick. Tock. The painting started moving! No! This isn't real! He thought. He didn't know what to think anymore. He looked around. Nothing! There was nothing! Clip. Clop. Clip. Clop. Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. The clock would never stop!! Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. Tick. Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! It was time.

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