Part Three: Sam

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Tip. Tap. Tip. Tap. Tip. Tap. Sam's fingertips kept pounding on the tabletop at which they sat. They were awaiting the arrival of Dan Howell, his new housemate. Dan had already moved all of his things into the apartment. Sam was waiting for Dan as to introduce themselves so they could become friends. Sam wasn't looking for a relationship. Since, they were already in one. They were dating a guy named Phil Lester. He was an amazing guy! He had striking blue eyes and black hair that was as black as night. He was tall. Like 6'2' or 6'3" or somewhere around there. Sam was only about 5'8" or 5'9"ish. So, needless to say, Phil towered over them. But, it was kind of nice to not be the tallest in the relationship.

A noise in the distance. Sam turned towards the door. It opened with a squeak. It made Sam cringe a little. And in walked a guy, who looked like Phil. He was tall and pale with dark brown hair like Phil's but swept to the other side of his face. He wore basically all black, except for his light-wash denim sparkly hat sitting on his head. He was holding a phone that seemed small in his big hands. He looked up from his phone and froze, like an animal playing dead to avoid being devoured by predators. So, Sam made the first move.

"Uhm, Hi! My name is Sam. I-I'm going to be your new roommate...?"

"Uh, hi, there. I'm Dan, and uhhh, I am happy to have you stay here..."



Dan and Sam became close friends. Sam never brought up their relationship status as to not offend Dan if he had had an experience that made him uneasy or upset in any way. They talked for hours about everything. Sam thought that Dan was a little like Phil. He was always doing some random thing or making some weird joke. He often would just draw on himself with marker, but when Sam saw him, he would wipe it off immediately. Maybe it was just a thing he did.? Sam was not one to poke around in others' business. Sam also noticed some weird habits with Dan. Even though they didn't often poke around, they thought that this might be an opportunity to become closer to Dan. So, Sam confronted Dan.

Sam's footsteps were heavy on the brown shag carpet of the floor by the rooms where they and Dan slept. They stood in front of the door leading to Dan's room. Their heart started pounding like a drum, beating on cloth. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. Thump. They raised their hand to knock on the door. They saw their hand begin their hand begin to shake. They closed their eyes tightly and shook their head full of dark brown fringe. Then, flesh and wood collided into a rhythmic sound to gather the attention of Dan on the other side. They stepped back, almost colliding into the wall and knocking down a ripped picture of Dan, that balanced on a floating shelf.

The door handle turned and the blinding darkness from the room filled Sam's eyes causing them to squint to see inside. They saw a small area in the corner with a blanket, a body pillow with anime on it, and a laptop with a bright light. And in the doorway stood Dan. He looked kind of dazed in a way that was kind of terrifying. So, in reflex of terror, Sam asked if Dan wanted anything from Starbucks since Sam was on their way out. Dan replied with a no thank you and asked why Sam was going to Starbucks at almost 10:30 pm?

"Uhm, late night snack......?'

"Ah, yes. Ok cool. Don't get hit by any cars."

Sam laughed at the remark. As did Dan. This pleased them to think that their lie had been bought. Dan went back into his room and Sam let out a big sigh as they flipped down on the couch. The cushions  were soft and plushy. The fabric was of nice condition and was smelling of recent cleansing. This was good. All was good.

*THUNK!!* Sam awoke to the unpleasant surprise of falling off of the couch on which they had accidental fallen asleep on. They had a pillow and a blanket on them, which was more than what they had when they fell asleep. Dan must have done this. How sweet. Dan called over from the kitchen,

"Hey! Good morning Sam!"

Dan was cooking!?

"I didn't know you could cook.?" Said Sam, though they instantly regretted the tone which the words carried.

"Oh, yeah.. I don't cook often.. But Ph- uhm," he cleared his throat. "My past roommate taught me how to make more that just microwave noodles or an egg.." He chuckled to himself as he pulled some bacon out of the microwave. The aroma filled the apartment. Clogging up senses with happiness and hunger. Sam stood up and stretched out their long limbs before offering to help Dan with breakfast. Dan then kindly asked if they could get the glasses and paper plates, napkins and utensils. Sam did so.

A few months later

Sam and Dan had become best friends. And Phil and Sam had become even closer in their relationship and had even started talking about maybe getting married. They had been dating for a little over a year now, and it was clear that they wouldn't be dating anyone else anytime soon. And, Dan seemed like a nice guy. Phil was a good boyfriend. Maybe he could make his friend and boyfriend friends?! There was only one way to find out.

Phil had already set a meeting date and a meeting place for "something special" and Sam presumed it was about the meet up. Sam had told Phil that they wanted Phil to meet their new roommate. Phil agreed to let the new roommate come to the Church, which was where they were meeting at Eight O'clock pm.

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