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My hang over is gone the next day and because of all the sleep I got I feel refreshed for school. This morning I don't do my usual prepping... I stare into the mirror for a long time as I look at my features. That's when I decide to pull out something I haven't used in centuries: makeup.

Oh gosh how do I do this?

I open up the eyeliner pencil and stare at it like it's going to eat me. If I get this wrong... oh geez. I look at the eye shadow with a frown. I don't have a brush for it anymore. Okay so do I do eyeliner first or eye shadow first? What am I doing?

Everything is laid out before me like parts to some kind of droid that I have to build. Is that lip gloss or lip stain? It's a pretty color. But...

That's when I pull out my phone and start looking up makeup tutorials and techniques. All while keeping an eye on the clock.

I flip through like a billion different ones. And I think I know what I'm doing now. I play around with all the different things but I really don't have much to work with. I tilt my head to the side as I examine my face. Maybe eyeliner is too risky. Let's put that aside. I put on, and wipe off, different shades of brown eye shadow for a while until I go with the minimum, and then use some black to darken my eyebrows a bit. I usually go to town on plucking them but not this time. I want a different look. I look like I have a lot of foundation but when I open it I realize it's rock solid. Ugh.

I mess around with the lip stuff but I'm cautious. Because if it's stain I'm not sure how long it stains for. I just use my fingers to smear some on and I like the way it looks. It's not that noticeable but I like it that way.

Ouch. The side of my neck itches so I scratch it.

Anyway I think I have done all the damage I can do with this stuff and I'm almost late.

I fumble around to get everything together and then look in the mirror to start putting my hair in its usual style. But... I stop and take it out... deciding to just brush it and go with a big loose bun with curly pieces left out in front.

I pick out some kapris and a loose tank top before pulling on my shoes and grabbing my school bag and heading out the door.

I wonder if Finn and Poe are gonna ask why I skipped.

I doubt it though. They wouldn't care.





When I enter the school that day I walk in just minding my own business and not paying attention to anyone around me as I make my way down the hall...

But when I feel like someone is watching me I frown and look around.

Uh yeah I was wrong.

Everyone is watching me.

I glance behind me to make sure they aren't looking at someone else as I frown.

I catch stares and looks left and right and I can feel myself become confused. People cast their eyes my way and then lean in to whisper things to each other.

And this isn't like the attention I got when I threw a dodge ball at Ben's face.

This is something worse.

I just continue to walk but trying to hear what it is they are saying about me. But I can't make out their words. I think I do hear the word "slut" though.

I just continue down the hallway and that's when someone grabs my arm and yanks me. I don't know who it is but I just say, "Ow, ow, ow, ow!" and then they pull me into a room and shut the door.

STAR WARS: THE FORCE HITS SNOOZEWhere stories live. Discover now