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HEY GUYS! I am so glad that "It Just Kind Of Happened" is finally ready!! 

I want to thank you all who spared a little time to read it and I would love to read what you think about it :)

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Thank you and enjoy \(*--*)/


Her flight was late again. Foolish of her to think it would be different this way round. But it was no problem, for she was used to the waiting. Good things come for those who wait, right? Probably right. Must happen sometimes, with the cosmos and all that coincidence stuff. It just didn't happen with her. 

With Mackenzie Maine, it seemed like the more she waited, the worse it got. Nothing serious, no; just some minor shitty things happening. Like her flight. Yeah, her late flight was pretty shitty.

As the situation of waiting for another five hours in the airport fell upon Mackenzie, she decided that given the fact that this was not her first time on these kinds of occurrences, the emergency would have to be satisfied by the power of Netflix and some chips. Being the always pessimistic girl she was — and with reason — Mac didn't expect for the airport to have such a good wi-fi, and when its wireless connection proved to be deemed of buffering How To Get Away With Murder, her day got a lot better.

Truth was, it takes a lot to bring Mackenzie Maine down. According to her father, she was always pessimistic. He couldn't be more wrong. There was not one fiber of pessimism in her body, but she was created out of realism. Since she was born, everything that could go wrong, did. And you can call it bad luck or karma or whatever you want. Reality would still be the same. So for her to get sad over ruined plans was something unseen.

As if born with the ability, though, Mackenzie knew better than anyone how to dodge obstacles. She could handle herself pretty well, finding her way around every situation. And the results were quite good, almost like a compensation for the bad happenings. Once she went skiing with her family and broke her leg on the first day. The rest of the trip consisted of takeaway pizza and nachos. That's a pretty good compensation if you asked her.

Now that her computer was already running and her Netflix was already playing, Mackenzie Maine had the audacity to go and think that nothing could go wrong now. Oh, the nerve that girl had. Almost as if she had defied the cosmos and opened her arms to a bad omen, water poured over her laptop, almost like it was raining over her. And with the rain came the fallen angel. Right at her feet was a shrinking boy, with scared eyes and a hanging mouth. And it was kind of her fault, for stretching her feet in the middle of the passage. But nonetheless, that boy better pray for her computer to be alright.


To Henri Walsh's most ultimate luck, her computer was alright. But his dignity wasn't, so what's the point, right? Henri was clumsy, yeah, but he had just taken it to a whole other level. Almost trashing an innocent Netflix watcher in the middle of the airport was embarrassing, to say the least. With his best interests in mind, though, Henri was safe enough to consider himself lucky. Has been doing so since he knew what the word meant. Never had Henri Walsh suffered from the evil doing of bad luck.

That made him a pretty relaxed guy, as it is. Good for him, too, since his whole 6'2" could barely fit anywhere. At least his lanky limbs would be relaxed, right? His weird curled fringe fell covering his hazel eyes while he trembled under the gaze of what looked like a raging lioness ready to attack, but was in fact just a very angry girl with a lot of Netflix and no chill.

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