born to fall

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Authors notes: so this is my first entry so don't be too hard on me, like, vote and share with your friends,    

Pleas leave your comments and thoughts below. Thanks for reading! And shout out to pepperpro 31 who inspired me to do this!






As I stepped out of my car into the chilly autumn air, outside of the pool house, I thought about how much money I was going to make today. As I walked towards the dark entrance to the pool house I locked my cherry red aero. I knocked on the big wooden door and a slot opened up. 

“Password?” a man said with a heavy Russian accent.

“ I loved you, so I drew these tides of men into my hands and drew my will across the sky in stars. T.E Lawrence.”

The man shut the door and I heard the sliding and click of several locks. The door swung open to reveal a man no older than thirty, with a large scar across his face, running from his ear down to the edge of his jaw. 

“Hey, whats going on Jake?” I said.

“Not too much, but there was a fight going on earlier because some guy lost a thousand dollars to a new guy.”

“Who's the new guy?” I asked curious to if I could beat him.

“I don't know his name, but he's wearing the leather jacket, and a big gold chain around his neck.” ok I thought, maybe a little challenge but nothing I couldn’t handle! After I was amazing at pool, godly some would say, even though I'm nothing to the almighty creator.

I started my way down the long dark passage that led to the pool room. I could hear the shouts of victory, and the yells of loss as I came nearer the blood red door that would led me into the pool room. When I got there I knocked on the door, yet again another panel slid open and someone asked for another password.

“Man is born to trouble as the sparks fly upward.-job 5:7” I answered 

“You may enter, but be warned. When you enter you may not leave until you win a game of pool, or lose all of your money.”

The big red door slowly opened to reveal a room full of pool tables, men, woman and bars. I fought my way towards an empty pool table through the crowd, the loud hum of people talking buzzing in my ear. I got to the pool table and found a weak looking target for a game of pool. 

“Want to play a game of pool?” I yelled over the crowd.

“Ya, but I don't get out of bed for less than $50.” He said with clear blue eyes.

“Fine by me, but lets go to $100, just to make things interesting, shall we?” 

“Alright, lets play, standard rules?”


As we played we talked, his name was Chad, he had 2 beautiful baby girls, Megan and Sidney, and he made an honest living as a lawyer. We played, until I sunk the eight ball to win the match.

“Damn it!” he yelled over the crowd.

“ Dude, I know how it is, I lose most of the time,” I lied,” guess I got lucky today.” I finished as he was pulling out his wallet. He handed me $100, and I shook his hand and took the money, now it was time for a harder opponent.

I looked around the room for the man with the leather jacket and gold chain. Instead I saw a woman with a look of fear on her face as she was dragged into a private room. Time to rise to the occasion, I thought as I headed for the door she had been dragged through.

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