born to fall part 3

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  • Dedicated to jadyn



As I heard the whistle of the wind going by my face I sheathed my dagger. I was falling, like I was born to do. I thought what it would be like to just hit the pavement that was quickly moving towards me. No, I thought, I had to much to do, and so little time.

Suddleny, I noticed that the screams were getting closer. I turned my body around, to find my self face to face with one of those creatures falling towards me. Unlike the others, this one had wings, they were black as night, with a leathery look to them, and they were folded around him, leaving only its head showing. It was gaining on me, I realized.

I turned around facing the ground again. There were people on the ground looking up at us, crap, I thought. OK lets give them a show, I thought with a sly smile. 

Then it hit me, the screech of the things battle cry, I turned around to find it with its wings spread apart, and wielding a knife of its own.

Then it happened, the surge of energy that always dose be for I really decide to get into a fight.

whoosh, was all i heard as my rate of falling almost completely stooped. from the corner of my eye i could see gold flapping in and out, the thing was floating in the air in front of me. i unsheathed my blade, as a shield of gold formed around my left arm. by now I could see that it had the talons of a bird, with the face of a half pig half bird. i was disgusted, it was time to purge the world of this evil.

it made a noise that was almost as bad at a teacher scratching their finger nails over the chalk bored, and it looked almost amused as if it knew it was going to win this fight. i raised my shield in front of me and drew my arm back, ready to through my knife. it laughed at me again. i let an angry cry and let lose with my knife, wiping it through the air, straight into the monsters left wing. 

“Ahhhhhhh!” it hissed as it fell towards the ground. I laughed as I watched it pull out my knife and try to fly back up.

“hahaha-” i was cut short by the sight of its wing healing of the bloody gash my knife had left. and it starting to fly back up towards me. it got high enough to see the remark of triumph on its face. i felt the heat go through my body as my shield took a more offensive form, it stretched out into a brace going from my wrist to my elbow. and from the wrist to the elbow there were deadly spikes, one after the other, and i looked at my other arm where there was an identical band. 

“Lets do this.” I sneered.

and at that it charged, drawing its own sword, that had a feint dark glow, making it look deadly to the touch. i meet him half way, just as he came down with a long overhead arc with his sword i spun out of the way. i turned and blocked a sideways slash aimed at my neck, with my left arm brace. i punched it hard in the face, and smiled as i heard its nose break, it quickly moved away and i charged it this time. i came down with my left arm brace aimed at its head, it dodged, missing the full blow, but my arm still came down onto its shoulder. hard. it screamed as it strained to stay in the air, i took this advantage and came down with a lazy blow, meant to ends this things life. but it caught me with my guard down, and came in with a hard left hook to my kidneys. i crunched over in pain as i saw it get up, and pull its sword over its head. i looked up, waiting for it to strike, as the sword came down on my unprotected head, i saw it smile. 

and it saw me smile. but just a little too late. and by the time its sword was less than a foot away from my neck, my wings of gold flew up and over my head to  block the attack. i caught it off guard and caught him with an upper cut, right to his chin. my blades of gold emerging from the braces going all the way through his body. and empaling him in the chin after they had made it through his body. i pulled up my left arm and sliced across his throat, and then i released his body, letting it fall towards the ground.

time to make my escape i thought, as i noticed 5 more of those things jumping from the building. i flew towards the city, which was lighten up by the all the houses and apartment buildings. i flew like the wind, and as i passed a glass building i looked at my reflection, i just looked like a normal teen, with a blood splattered hoodie, and a set of golden wings. i ducked down letting my wings fold over me covering my entire body, and fell down into the secret passage way that led to where i lived.

Away from the people I could hurt.

Away from the people I loved.

Away from the girl I loved.

Unknown to the human world.


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