born to fall part 7

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  • Dedicated to andrew

As I awoke I sensed something good was going to happen today. I walked towards the bathroom where my prisoner was being held. I removed the dresser from in front of the door and unlocked it. I walked in and punched the unconscious man slumped in the chair hard in the chin. My knuckles hurt from the impact. His head turned with the power of my punch, and he groaned with a violent shaking.

“Hey, you up?” I asked as I took a needle out of my drawer, “well you will be in a second” I pulled out a jar labeled “C 9 H 13 NO 3” otherwise known as adrenalin. I filled the needle and went to work. I looked for a blood vein in his arm and stuck the needle in and emptied it into him. A few seconds latter he jolted awake, shaking mildly.

“Do you know what I just put into you?” I asked.

“N-n-no,” He stuttered, as a drop of sweat fell from his face.

“Adrenalin,” I said with a smile creeping up my face, “so you can feel every bit of pain that I’m going to cause you, and so you don’t pass out.” I bent down to examine his leg. As I expected it had healed over and was no longer bleeding, though there was a large puddle of thick, almost black but not quite dark enough, liquid.

“Lost quite bit of blood have we,” I said as I noticed how pale his skin was, “and my, my, were going to be losing a lot more aren’t we,” I was almost snickering.

“Now, tell me. What’s your name?” I asked in a neutral tone.  When he remained silent I grabbed the needle and placed it close to his fingers.

“Did you know that your most sensitive nerve endings are in your fingers?” I sneered, and thrust the needle up under his fingernail until I couldn’t push any more. He screamed out in pain and started to shake.

“Isac,” he almost screamed, “my name is Isac!”

“See Isac, were making progress! This can be as painless as you want it to be!” I said with a warm smile. But just as fast as it had come, it was gone and I was expressionless, “or as painful.” I whispered as I hit the needle protruding out of his finger. He screamed out and probably would’ve gone unconscious if it weren’t for the adrenaline.

“Now, where is Petra?” I asked.

“I don’t-“ I cut him off with a punch to the face. Slowly I moved towards the cabinet on the wall. I grabbed the silver metal handle and push the bottom on the other side. The cabinet slid apart and reveled a wall filled with various torture devices. First things first, the hands. I picked up a meat mallet. This would do some damage. I tossed it up in the air and caught it by the handle with a smile.

“Now, I’m going to ask again,” I said lightly pounding the hammer into my hand, “where is Petra?”

“I don’t know,” he shrieked. The mallet came down with a whoosh and I heard the crack of his hand as it shattered. Quickly I took the mallet and slammed it down onto his still good knee. There was a pop but I don’t know if it broke. Either way, he screamed out and I could see his stump of a leg trying to move, trying to kick out in pain.

Was this how I was going to live my life? Torturing and killing? Yes, I told my self, at least until I find Petra. Then all of this would stop and life would be back to how it was in the beginning.

“Now, Isac my friend, I don’t like this any more than you do, if you would only tell me where Petra is, this could all end, no more pain,” I started to smile as his face looked like he was coming back to awareness.

“Isac,” I asked, “are you ok?” I put on a worried expression.

“Isac, do you remember anything?” I continued, hiding the mallet behind my back. His expression remained cloudy.

“Where am I? Who are you? How Long have I been out?” he started to shake seeing the infuriated look on my face.

“Don’t play stupid with me” I struck him with the mallet on his shoulder, a loud crunch followed by a louder cry came with my evil smile. He kept on screaming and thrashing about wildly, his eyes wide and his face turning red he yelled

“I’m going to rip her wings off my self,” and with that I dropped the mallet and took out a small plastic container marked “HF” or hydrofluoric acid.

“This is hydrofluoric acid, Isac,” I said with a straight face, “ when I pump it into your blood stream its going to slowly travel up your artery in your leg and all the way to your heart, burning everything it touches, it will then be pumped through your entire body including your brain, which will have a high blood content because of your missing leg, all the blood that should have been in that leg will now be around your internal organs, and in this situation I would imagine your brain is in a turmoil,” I said with an evil smile.

I slowly filled a needle with the slightly yellow tinted chemical and moved it towards his still good leg. He started to scream and shake. I griped his foot to stop him from thrashing. His skin was still pale and I could see the veins without probing for one. I stuck him with the needle and pumped the hydrofluoric acid into him, the chemical giving his vein an unnatural yellow tint through his pale skin. It started to slowly move up his leg. His screams like nails scratching on a chalk bored. I looked him in the eyes now blood shot.

“Where is she?” I asked

“ I-i-i d-d-don’t k-k-know,” he said, shaking with pain.

“This is a very painful way to die, I could end it right now,” I said pulling a slender blade from the cabinet.

“I don’t… know where… she is… but I can… tell you… who sent… me,” the yellow glow almost up to his waste. He had stop screaming but he seemed to almost be unconscious, I guess the adrenaline was wearing off.

“Tell me,” I said.

“He told me his name was Chris,” I dropped the knife I had in my hand and thought things over. Chris had sent someone after me? Did he still have Petra? Was she ok? How was he watching me? Was he at the pool house that night? He was a mage so he could’ve been in someone else’s body, he could be hosting someone now, a random woman I see on the streets every day, and he could be anyone.

Clang! I snapped back to reality from the knife I had dropped. Quickly I picked up a larger weapon, a two handed axe, and cleaved at Isac’s leg, severing it. He seemed to in shock to scream and just passed out, bleeding everywhere.

 I left the room and walked towards my closet, picked out new hoody and black jeans. I pulled up my hood and look in the mirror, what I saw was a monster. Not even a man who is made for killing. Large gold wings expanded from my back and I grimaced. If it weren’t for these I would never be here, injecting acid into peoples veins, smashing hands with mallets. I almost fell over with the realization. I walked towards the door, ran out and took to the sky. I flew up and up and up and up until the city was a speck below me. The air was thin and I found my breathing was quick.

Maybe the world would be better without me.

I thought back to that day, cast out of heaven to earth for rebelling. I longed to see the glorious place again, but knew I never would. I had only one thing to live for, and that was Petra, but how could I know she was even alive now? Why has God abandoned me? Why do I have to lead this life of blood spilling and killing? Why have I been commended?

“There is no hope,” I whispered to myself.

And I fell, from the world below it would look like an angel was falling from the heavens, like I had all those years ago. As I felt the wind rush past me for what would be the last time I closed my eyes and folded my wings around my body. I though of Petra. How funny she had been, her wonderful laugh. I opened my eyes and looked out through my wings, I would soon hit the ground and my miserable life would end. As the ground came up to meet me I awaited its cold hard kiss.

I closed my eyes and thought of Petra, waiting for the end to come.

“Father, into your hands, I commend my soul.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2012 ⏰

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