Chapter 4

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Arthur heard footsteps following him. He quickly glanced over his shoulder to see a strawberry blonde omega following behind him.

"Oh hello there poppet! Sorry if I scared you." The freckly male smiles. Arthur just nods faking a smile back.

"It's fine I was just worried it was an alpha following me." Arthur replies. Arthur felt his heart stop when he heard a voice come from in front of him.

"Oh don't worry doll you caught my attention." Arthur stops dead in his tracks as his head snaps forward to look at a brunette standing in front of him. The alpha had brown eyes that nearly looked red, he had tan skin, had sunglasses on top of his head and he had a wooden bat full of nails resting on his shoulder.

"We have a favour to ask of you." Arthur looked to his side where an alley was. Two blonde alphas were standing there, both had cigarettes hanging out of their mouths and both had shoulder-length hair. Although one was obviously not a normal cigarette. Arthur could only assume it was marijuana while the other was just a normal cigarette.

"What kind of favour?" Arthur gulps.

"Well, the police have been given some leads onto who we are. We would really love it if you directed their attention to some other people. Either that or you could help us get out of this place without getting spotted. Since I'm sure you know that they've been monitoring who enters and leaves the city." The brunette says.

"And what if I don't?" Arthur asks.

"Well you obviously won't be going home." The omega smiles in a creepy way. Arthur looks between the four of them and gulps, he could feel himself shaking.

"I-I'll try and help you out of the city." Arthur says quietly. He couldn't bring himself to put the blame on someone else.

"You'll try?" One of the blondes seethes. Stepping closer to Arthur as the omega shrinks back in fear.

"I'll do it. I won't try, I'll just do it!" Arthur says in a terrified voice. They all nod in satisfaction before hearing some voices yelling.

"Hey get away from him!" A Scottish voice yells out. The four quickly run into the alley, Arthur only then realising how the brunette looked very similar to Alfred. Also how one of the blondes looked like an ungroomed Francis and the other looked like a horrible Mathew and the strawberry blonde looked like Arthur himself.

"Are you ok?" Arthur looked to see his alpha brothers. Liam had asked the question. He had always been the nicest brother to him.

"He's fine." Sean says. The redhead always seemed to have something against Arthur, his twin Jack was nicer to Arthur then Sean was.

"Are you ok Arthur?" Alistair asks. Pulling the cigarette out of his mouth and breathing out a puff of smoke.

"I'm fine." Arthur grumbles. He shoves past them and quickly starts to leave.

"You don't seem ok." Peter says back.

"I'm going home!" Arthur yells. His brothers all share a concerned look as Arthur storms off, wiping his eyes as he silently cries.

"He's not ok." Liam sighs.

"Yeah." The rest of them say all at once. As much as they liked to annoy Arthur, he was their brother and they loved him, and they were also terrified of their mother and what she'd do if she found out they let him get hurt.

Arthur quickly entered the house and closed the door. He entered the kitchen and put the beef on the counter for Alfred. Alfred followed Arthur into the kitchen with a confused look on his face.

"Artie, you ok?" Alfred asks.

"For Pete's sake I'm fine!" Arthur snaps, slamming his fist on the bench in annoyance. "I'm going for a shower." Arthur walks past Alfred.

"Well I'll start on dinner then." Alfred says. Arthur enters the bathroom and turns the shower on. He enters the shower and leans on the wall, he slowly slips to the floor and curls his legs to his chest.

"What the hell have I gotten myself in to?" He questions quietly. He blinks and feels tears leave his eyes. He just lets the water wash them away as he sits under the spray of water. "All I need to do is get them out of the city. That's easy enough... No it isn't." Arthur taps his fingers on the wall. "How will I get them out?" Arthur questions himself, before blinking and realising who he knew. "Logan can get them out. I just need to persuade him. I'm sure I'll find a way to persuade him to let them out." Arthur then stood up with a determined look on his face. "I will get them out of the city and away from me." He says sternly.

Alfred looks over to see Arthur walk into the kitchen and sit on the counter as he dries his hair. The omega was wearing one of Alfred's shirts and a pair of Alfred's boxers, the American flag ones to be exact.

"Since when did you wear those boxers?" Alfred grins, leaning in between Arthur's legs. The omega just shrugs and continues to dry his hair.

"Since now." He responds with a smirk. Alfred just laughs and nods going over to the oven to check on the beef.

"Dinner should be ready soon." Alfred closes the oven door with a smile.

"Alright, I'll set the table." Arthur says, leaving the room to hang his towel up first. He returns and grabs two plates, forks and knives as he sets the table.

"Dinner is served." Alfred says as he places the roast down in the middle of the table. Arthur sits down and starts eating, Alfred sits opposite him and they happily eat away. They converse happily and Alfred talks about work. He then asked Arthur about before.

"Alistair texted saying you were being harassed by four males, are you alright now?" Arthur just frowned at his plate and put his knife and fork down.

"I'm fine Alfred." Arthur looks up and glares at the alpha. Alfred just nods, he knew Arthur was lying however he decided not to risk ruining a good dinner by provoking him.

"Alright!" Alfred smiles. Arthur just smiles back before asking how Gilbert was.

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