Chapter 20

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Peter and Michael hop off the bus together. Michael leads the way as he unlocks the front door.

"Just take your shoes off here." Michael says. Peter nods and takes his shoes off. "What do you want to do?" Michael collapses on the couch after taking his bag off. Peter takes his bag off and pulls out his homework.

"I'm going to do homework so I can spend the afternoon doing whatever I want." Peter says.

"Alright." Michael stands up. He walks into the kitchen and grab a large packet of chips. He returns and opens it offering a chip to Peter.

"Thanks." Peter takes one. Michael puts the packet on the coffee table and takes out his own homework. The two didn't have that much homework, so they finished by the time Alfred and Arthur walked through the front door. When they did Arthur quickly went upstairs.

"What's wrong with him?" Michael asks.

"Just some stuff." Alfred sighs. He sits down next to Michael. He stands again and turns on his gaming system, handing Michael and Peter controllers.

"What are we playing?" Peter asks.

"Whatever multiplayer videogame I grab first." Alfred says. The three end up playing mariokart. Arthur sat on the stairs watching the alphas with a smile on his face.

"Get outta the way!" Michael yells.

"No! You get out of the way!" Peter shoves Michael slightly with his shoulder. The two continue to shove each other while Alfred sits beside them and wins.

"Yeah!" Alfred cheers. The two look at him in surprise.

"I thought you sucked at mariokart?" Michael says.

"I do." Alfred grins. "Anyway, I'm going to make dinner. How about you two have a showers and change into your pyjamas?" Alfred looks at them.

"Alright." They say and go upstairs. Peter goes into the onsuite bathroom in Arthur and Alfred's room. Once the two come downstairs again Alfred and Arthur were sat at the dinner table waiting.

"Let's eat." Michael says quickly sitting down. Peter agrees instantly. The four start eating and made little talk about that day.

"So what happened with you? You didn't seem happy when you came home." Peter looks at his brother. Arthur freezes for a second and Alfred gives Peter a look that says 'shut up now'; Peter looks down at his plate nervously.

"If you'd excuse me for a second." Arthur gracefully stands and leaves the room.

"I'm sorry I didn't-" Peter starts.

"Shut up and keep eating." Alfred says, quickly standing and following after Arthur. Michael and Peter look at each other before quietly eating. "Artie." Alfred walks into their bedroom. Arthur was sat in the window seat looking at nothing in particular. Alfred made his way over to the seat. Arthur pulled his feet to his chest, allowing Alfred to sit across from him. "Are you ok?" Alfred asks.

"I just started thinking about something." Arthur leans his head on the window.

"Thinking about what?" Alfred asks.

"Well, you aren't that attached to me. I'm quite attached towards you after sharing three heats with you, yet in a way we aren't even together." Arthur says.

"What do you mean we aren't even together? We're dating, I'm very attached to you." Alfred says.

"No you aren't attached to me. When I say we aren't together I'm talking about actually being mates. We're having a child yet we aren't mates." Arthur says. Alfred nods and looks out the window.

"Do you want to be mates?" Alfred asks.

"Maybe, I'm not fully sure, actually no I'm positive I want to be your mate." Arthur looks at Alfred.

"I'd mate you right now if I could." Alfred leans over and caresses Arthur's cheek. "But as you know we have to wait for your heat." Alfred leans back.

"I don't know if I could wait nine months." Arthur mumbles.

"Your strong Arthur, you can wait until the right time." Alfred smiles.

"No I can't. Alfred pregnancy is very hard on a single omega, and yes in our minds we aren't single but I'm classified as single until I get marked. I did a little research today while you were in a meeting, you can get these pills and they make in omega go into a sort of heat. It's not a real heat and won't last as long at all, only a max of two days, it just allows an alpha and omega to mate." Arthur says.

"Man you were prepared for this conversation weren't you?" Alfred chuckles. "I only have one question; how much do they cost?" Alfred asks. Arthur looks over at Alfred in surprise.

"They cost $200. They're dear but they're worth it. If we get a prescription from Sofia we can get them half-priced as well." Arthur smiles. Alfred nods.

"I'll see to it that you get those pills. Now come here." Alfred opens his arms and Arthur quickly slides onto Alfred.

"Really?" Arthur asks.

"Yes Arthur, I was going to ask after you gave birth if you wanted to become mates and now I have the opportunity to do it and not wait nine months." Alfred grins.

"Alright, now let's go downstairs and continue dinner." Arthur smiles. Alfred nods and the two stand up, going back downstairs. Peter and Michael had finished their dinner and were sitting at the table talking.

"Sorry about-" Peter is once again cut off. Arthur hugs Peter and smiles.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine." Arthur sits down and continues eating. Peter blinks before looking at Michael.

"Omegas are confusing." Peter says. Michael laughs and nods.

"Yeah I learnt that pretty quickly." Michael says. Once Alfred and Arthur finish dinner, Alfred goes and has a shower while Arthur cleans up with Michael and Peter.

"Why do we have to help?" Peter complains.

"Because I want you to." Arthur says. Michael just sighs and continues to help, what was with omegas and making younger people work? Mathew was the same and would make him help Mathew clean the house when he stayed with Mathew.

A/N: All I'm going to say guys is that the next few chapters may be chaotic; you could say some certain alphas decide to pay their dear brother an unexpected visit when he doesn't show up at Mother's house.

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