Chapter 6

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Arthur and Alfred had just gotten home when the door was knocked on. Arthur opened the door to see quite a number of children standing in front of him.

"Oh, hello there. Do your parents know that you lot are here?" Arthur asks. They all nod at him and he sighs before stepping aside and allowing all of them to enter.

"Sorry, it started with just Emil, Tulipa and myself but as you can see. Everyone decided to turn up." Leon says.

"It's fine." Arthur smiles weakly.

"Mikey!" Alfred jumps on his cousin.

"Get off of me idiot!" Michael yells.

"Love, leave the child alone." Arthur sighs.

"I'm not a child." Michael grumbles.

"I'll make something to eat." Alfred goes into the kitchen.

"So why are you all here?" Arthur asks and sits down. The others all take a seat somewhere and face Arthur.

"Well a certain someone mentioned yesterday." Charlotte says. Arthur instantly looks at Peter who gives him a sheepish look.

"I wonder who?" Arthur says sarcastically.

"Anyway we just wanted to see if they said anything." Adelia smiles.

"They just asked if I wanted to go with them. Nothing more, nothing less." Arthur says.

"I know you're lying." Peter crosses his arms.

"I figured as much." Arthur crosses his arms as well.

"Food!" Alfred yells. He places two plates full of fruit, cheese and crackers on the table.

"Finally." Oscar says. Charlotte and Michael dig in immediately.

"Charlotte, Oscar when you get home can you tell your father I wish to meet up with him?" Arthur looks at the siblings.

"Which one?" Charlotte asks.

"Logan. I would like to speak with him about something." The two nod and Arthur thanks them.

"So what did they say?" Adriano asks.

"I guess until I tell the truth I won't be left alone. Well they asked me for a favour. I had to agree with it or risk my life saying no. I agreed so now I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pull it all off." Arthur sighs.

"Pull what off?"  Adelia questions.

"I think it's time for you guys to go. I'm sure your parents want you all home now." Alfred speaks up. Arthur gulps and looks down knowing that he would be interrogated the second the children left.

"Alright, we should go I think we outstayed our welcome." Tulipa states. They all stand up and leave, saying their goodbyes as they left. Alfred closes the door and walks into the living room.

"Arthur?" Alfred calls out. The omega was gone from the living room. Alfred started walking upstairs when he heard the bedroom door close. He walks over and opens the door to see Arthur hiding under the sheets. Alfred just closes the door and goes to sit on the edge of the bed. He pulls the covers back revealing the small male. "Artie, what did they want?"

"Nothing." Arthur mumbles.

"Has it got something to do with Logan?" Alfred asks, knowing that the male worked on the city's border security.

"Maybe." Arthur rolls over. Alfred rolls the omega back to look at him.

"Tell me the truth Arthur." Alfred says sternly.

"Ok yes, he does have something to do with it." Arthur says softly.

"What did they want?" Alfred asks again.

"I told you nothing." Arthur crawls off the bed and stands up. He reaches the door and opens it, only for it to be slammed shut. Arthur gulps nervously as Alfred leans down to Arthur's ear.

"I'll ask you again, what did they want?" Alfred asks too calmly. Arthur felt himself push against the door and try and get as far away from the alpha as he could.

"Th-they just w-wanted me t-to get them o-out of the c-city." Arthur says just above a whisper.

"Now that's the answer I was looking for." Alfred pulls Arthur into his chest. "I apologise for scaring you, but I've been terrified since you got home yesterday if they did something to you." Arthur just nods.

"Can we cuddle?" Arthur asks quietly.

"Of course, I want to make sure you're happy after scaring you." Alfred says.

"I understand that I scared you, but can you maybe not do that again?" Arthur looks up to Alfred.

"Sure thing." Alfred smiles. Alfred than leads the pair to the bed before they lie down and cuddle up together. They share small talk for an hour before getting up to eat. Alfred makes dinner for the pair and he makes Arthur's favourite. After that they had a shower together.

"Thanks for making me fish and chips." Arthur says. Arthur was situated in Alfred's lap as they watched TV together.

"I just wanted to make it up to you." Alfred grins.

"Still, thank you." Arthur smiles.

"So how are you going to get them out?" Alfred asks.

"Well, I thought I could get Logan on board and he could get them out. I'm sure he'd help me out if it means that the four of them will be out of the city and away from Quinn and Oscar." Arthur says.

"Yeah, however he might be nervous since he could lose his job and be imprisoned for helping criminals. Don't forget that you could also be accused of helping them and face consequences." Alfred runs his hand through Arthur's hair.

"Good point. Yet I would rather that then being attacked and killed. I would much rather paying a fine or going to prison for 10 months then getting, raped and/or killed. I could have even been kidnapped and taken with them when they left the city." Arthur leant into the touch.

"I guess that's true." Alfred pecks Arthur's temple.

"Yeah it kind of is isn't it?" Arthur relaxes into Alfred. The alpha smiles when he realises that Arthur was now fast asleep in Alfred's arms. 

"You're the cutest thing ever." Alfred coos. He picks the small blonde man up and carries him to bed where he puts him to sleep before going to bed himself. "Well I hope I can help you out as much as I can. I hope that you actually need me." Alfred cuddles up to Arthur.

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