Chapter 29

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Arthur walked into work. He greets Mathew while putting his apron on. Mathew smiles and says hello back. Francis approaches Arthur and looks at the omegas neck.

"Is it safe for me to say that I never expected to see that on your neck?" Francis questions. Arthur rolls his eyes at the alpha.

"Sure." Arthur puts a hand over it. The bite mark had scarred over now; it didn't stand out that much on Arthur's pale skin. It was still noticeable and of course it was easy to realise once you smelt Arthur. The omega had also developed another scent; the scent of a pregnant omega. Alfred had been overjoyed once he smelt it. Arthur had just chuckled at the alpha's reactions.

"Well I never thought I'd see a Mating Mark on your neck." Francis states. Arthur let Francis remove his hand from his neck to see it. Francis also put his hand on it and traced it slightly; he looked like he just saw a unicorn.

"Francis mon amour he's not a piece of art." Mathew says. Francis blinks a few times to get himself out of the trance before looking over at Mathew.

"Yes, but you are." Francis walks over calmly and traces over his own Mating Mark on Mathew.

"So what are you going to call the child?" Feliciano asks.

"Oh, Alfred and I haven't discussed names yet. We've been busy doing other things." Arthur says.

"What about you Feliciano? Got any names yet?" Antonio asks.

"No not yet, Luddy's been too busy with work to have discussed any yet." Feliciano smiles.

"Typical." Lovino grunts.

The rest of the week went in a similar way. Arthur and Feliciano discussed things about pregnancy and 'motherhood' if you could call it that. Arthur helped Lovino out with telling Antonio that Lovino was worried.

"What are you worried about Lovi?" Antonio asks.

"Well, we've been having my heats with protection and I just was worried that you didn't want children." Lovino mumbles.

"Oh Lovi, I want lots of children, I just thought that you didn't want any yet or didn't want children at all." Antonio says. Lovino just nods before hugging Antonio.

"I-I'll give you lots of bambini." Lovino says softly.

"Aw Lovi! You're just the cutest." Antonio smiles. Lovino quickly gives the alpha a smile back before going back to join Arthur. Arthur had cheered silently with Lovino; they quickly went back to work when Mathew looked over. Francis questioned Arthur on his family. Arthur just shrugged and said that if they have a message they send Peter to tell Arthur. They hadn't been very happy when they found out that Arthur was moving out to live with Alfred. Peter had said that Alistair wanted him to visit on the weekend. So Arthur did. When Alfred found out that Arthur was visiting his home on the weekend the alpha quickly said that he was going with Arthur.

"Must you come along with me?" Arthur questions. The pair were walking out the door.

"Yeah of course I have to come along with you." Alfred says. They drive to the Kirkland residence. They knock on the door and wait patiently for someone to open the door. Peter opens the door and looks at the pair in surprise. The boy quickly gestures for them to come inside and they walk into the dining room.

"Just in time for dinner." Peter says. Alfred and Arthur nod and stop in the doorway as everyone looks up at them. Arthur's mother stands up and gives Arthur a quick hug. The pair take their seat at the table and serve themselves some food.

"Hello." Alistair breaks the silence. Slowly everyone else greets the pair. Arthur mumbled a little hello and Alfred just nodded at the family.

"Arthur you know better than to mumble." Arthur's father says. Arthur shrugs as Alfred's eyes sharpen on the older alpha.

"Don't tell him what to do." Alfred says. The family didn't know how to act, Arthur and Alfred just started eating. The idea that Arthur had left behind his family finally sunk in. The family didn't think much of it but after witnessing that they realised that Arthur would never obey them like he used to again. They all used have an amount of dominance over Arthur since he didn't have an alpha so the main alpha that he was to obey was always his father, and when he wasn't there it was one of the brothers. Arthur now had Alfred; Alfred was Arthur's alpha. This meant that Alfred had full control of Arthur and the omega had no reason to listen to them.

"So is everything between you two going well?" Liam asks.

"It is, Alfred always makes me dinner and usually makes anything I request. His younger cousin Michael is living with us and Michael has taken to calling me Artie as well, I just can't escape the silly nickname." Arthur chuckles.

"Hey, you know you love it." Alfred says. Arthur just rolls his eyes with a smile at the alpha.

"Sure." He says. Slowly conversation started amongst the family, it was just asking little questions about things but as it progressed they started laughing about different things and laughing about other things. Alfred spoke of how Arthur had walked into a wall the night before because he was too busy trying to think of a way to insult Francis. The blonde omega quickly got angry at Alfred for mentioning that, however Alistair started to talk about other things that Arthur had done when he was younger. They spoke about how they banned Arthur from trying to cook in the house. Alfred and Arthur left the house in high spirits, and Arthur's mother felt like she'd been able to mend the relationship and fix her mistakes.

A/N: So guys I'm at camp now. It's horrible. I don't think I'll make it through to the end of the week.

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