Chapter 8

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"Hey Artie." Alfred says softly as he pats Arthur's head. The omega had just woken up and was met with a worried expression.

"Love, what's wrong?" Arthur asks. He reaches a hand out to stroke Alfred's cheek.

"So I called Mattie, he said that you should take a pregnancy test." Alfred rubs the back of his neck.

"What?" Arthur sits up slowly.

"Yeah, his words not mine." Alfred chuckles nervously.

"Well if that's what he recommends I'll get one tomorrow." Arthur sighs.

"Do you want something to eat?" Alfred asks.

"Yeah, that would be nice." Arthur replies with a warm smile. Alfred nods and gets up making a sandwich for Arthur. He put some ham, tomato, lettuce and cheese.

"Is this alright?" Alfred asks, handing the plate to Arthur. The blonde male just nods and slowly starts eating the sandwich. They sat in silence as Arthur ate. Alfred put the TV on and leant back. Arthur leans on Alfred's shoulder as he eats.

"Thanks for that." Arthur says.

"Do you wanna go to bed?" Alfred asks once the news had finished.

"Yeah, you can stay up if you want but I think I'll go to sleep." Arthur smiles. Alfred nods and looks into Arthur's emerald green eyes. Arthur looks back still smiling as they lean into kiss. Arthur opens his eyes again as he leans back and stands up. Arthur walks upstairs and goes into the bedroom where he changes into his pyjamas and goes to sleep, an hour later Alfred went to bed as well.

The next morning Alfred and Arthur woke up together and Arthur had a shower before leaving to go buy a pregnancy test. Alfred started making breakfast for the pair.

"Just remember to hurry back." Alfred calls.

"Alright! I'll be back as soon as I can." Arthur yells back. "I can't believe I'm doing this." Arthur whispers as he lines up to pay for the test.

"Let me guess, you don't want a kid but you got warned to take a test?" The old lady at the counter says. Arthur sighs and nods.

"My alpha's brother recommended I take one after I was sick yesterday." Arthur replies.

"Well that's new, an alpha taking these matters into their hands." The lady raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah my alpha likes to involve himself in my life as much as possible and wants to make sure I'm always happy." Arthur rubs the back of his neck.

"Well that's good." The lady smiles. Arthur nods and grabs the test after paying. He leaves out the door and freezes when he's grabbed from behind and pulled into an alley.

"Hello again doll." The alpha smirks. Arthur gulps as he's pinned to the wall.

"H-hello." Arthur responds.

"So are you trying to get us out?" One of the blonde males appears.

"Yes, I'm meeting with a man later today. This guy can get you out of the city." Arthur looks at the Mathew look-alike.

"Well Al let's get outta here." The blonde says.

"Can't we have some fun Mat?" Al says.

"No, Ollie would kill us if he found out that we messed with this guy." Mat says.

"What are your names?" Arthur asks.

"Why should we tell you?" Al says.

"Names Matthieu, that's Allen. The other blonde is Francois and the omega is Oliver." Matthieu says.

"Now what's your name?" Allen looks down at him.

"Arthur." Arthur says. "Now if you'll excuse me, I have a test to take and an alpha to please." Arthur ducks under Allen's arm and leaves the alley.

"A test to take?" Allen questions to no one.

"He was carrying a pregnancy test, that's why I told you not to mess with him. Oliver would kill us if he found out we hurt a pregnant omega." Matthieu says as the two walk down the alley.

"Betcha I can beat you home." Allen smirks.

"You're on." Matthieu says before shoving Allen into the brick wall.

"You dick!" Allen yells before chasing after the taller blonde.

"I'm home!" Arthur calls out.

"You ok? You took a while to get home." Alfred says. Arthur just wraps his arms around Alfred's neck.

"I'm fine, just got a visit that's all." Arthur pecks Alfred's lips.

"Ok, did they harm you?" Alfred asks.

" No, I'm hungry so let's eat." Arthur smiles. Alfred nods and the two of them have breakfast, Alfred then goes and has a shower while Arthur takes the one test.

"Arthur what did the test say?" Alfred asks when he sees Arthur sitting down covering his face. Arthur stays silent for a minute before uncovering his face. He looks up at Alfred and pats the spot net to him.

"Alfred, I think you should sit down." Arthur says looking into Alfred's worried blue eyes. Alfred gulps, rubbing his arm he slowly walks over to the couch and sits down.

"What did the results say?" Alfred asks.

A/N: Decided to upload another chapter. I couldn't wait to publish this chapter and I'm barely holding myself back from publishing the next chaapter.

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