Chapter 13

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The two stand up when Sofia walks out and calls for them. The Ukrainian beta smiled sweetly at the pair as they followed her.

"My younger brother Ivan tells me that Arthur has been having pregnancy symptoms." She says.

"Apparently." Arthur shrugs. Alfred just nods his head.

"I got a promotion today." Alfred grins.

"Really?" Sofia asks.

"Yeah, I'm so happy!" Alfred laughs.

"Well congrats, I think that is very good." Sofia opens a door and allows the pair to walk inside.

"Yes I'm proud of him." Arthur chuckles.

"Well I did get it thanks to you!" Alfred smiles.

"Anyway, I think we will start by running a few tests." Sofia says. The pair nods in unison. A while later Sofia came back into the room with the results.

"What does it say?" Arthur asks.

"Obviously negative, duh." Alfred says. Arthur laughs and rolls his eyes. They look to see Sofia sitting there watching them.

"Well, it's definitely not negative." Sofia says.

"Ha ha, very funny Sofia, now tell us the truth." Alfred crosses his arms.

"I am, it's positive." Sofia repeats.

"Give me that." Arthur snatches the papers. Arthur reads it and rereads it as he sees the word POSITIVE written on the paper. Arthur quickly rolls the paper up and hits Alfred on the head. "You idiot!" Arthur snarls.

"Hey, Arthur just calm down. Look let's talk this out." Alfred quickly stands.

"I'm going home, thank you Sofia." Arthur quickly leaves the room.

"Artie dude, I'm sorry. Can we please talk this out?" Alfred asks.

"I don't want to talk to you right now." Arthur pulls out his phone. He sends a text to Francis before placing his phone back in his pocket.

"Well how about tomorrow, or later in the week?" Alfred asks.

"Leave me alone!" Arthur yells at the alpha. Alfred stopped in his tracks as Arthur stalked off. The omega stood on the side of the road and hops in Francis' car when it pulls over. Mathew hops out and walks over to his brother.

"Al?" Mathew asks. The omega lifts his brother's head to look at him. "Oh God Al." Mathew mutters. The alpha had watery eyes as he looks at his brother. Blue meets violet as they look at each other for a minute.

"I can never do anything right can I?" Alfred asks quietly.

"Alfred, just give him some time to himself. You don't have to worry, he'll be back." Mathew smiles, however it isn't met with the usual cheery grin.

"I'm useless aren't I?" Alfred asks.

"No one is useless Al, you didn't mean to do this. Arthur will figure that out soon enough, just leave him be for a few days before you try talking to him again." Mathew pulls Alfred along. "Now let's get you home." Mathew takes Alfred's keys and drives the alpha home. "I wish I could stay Al, but I need to go home. I need to make sure Michael hasn't gotten himself into trouble with the neighbours again." Mathew says.

"Alright, take care of that kid and yourself." Alfred says. Mathew nods and calls Francis up waiting calmly before leaving in the alpha's car. Alfred opened the front door and entered. All of a sudden it seemed like the once lively and bright house was now dark and sad looking. Alfred flicked on a light and took his shoes off next to a pair of Arthur's. "He'll want his stuff back." Alfred mutters. The alpha walks into the kitchen, turning the lights on as he went. He opens the fridge door and grabs some left overs, heating them up in the microwave he sits down and turns the TV on. He watches the British news by default, only realising that he was watching it after he finished food. "Artie I'm going to have a shower! Can you clean up?" Alfred asks over his shoulder. Alfred swore quietly and shook his head. He stands up and washes the dishes before going into the bedroom and going into the on-suite. Once he exits the bathroom he glances over at the bed to see that Arthur's nest was still there. "The guest bedroom has a comfier bed anyway." He says changing into his pyjamas, before walking into the guest bedroom and collapsing on the bed.

"I recommend you talk to him in a few days." Francis says.

"Why should I talk to that idiot?" Arthur looks out the window.

"Because he's your alpha, and the only person who has kept you happy for three months straight." Francis replies.

"I don't care." Arthur grumbles. Francis pulls into the car park at Arthur's apartment complex.

"Look Arthur, don't push him away. That man is the best person you've ever been with. He will happily take care of you and your child." Francis looks at Arthur.

"What if I get an abortion?" Arthur looks down.

"Arthur! I know you wouldn't do that, so please don't say that." Francis says.

"Why should I not get one?" Arthur yells looking at Francis. Tears streamed down the omega's cheeks as he looks at Francis.

"Look, you need a few days to yourself. Don't come to work for the rest of the week, and on the weekend please talk to Alfred." Francis wipes some of the tears away with his hands.

"If you say so." Arthur mutters dejectedly.

"I'll visit as much as I can, however I'm sure Feliciano will be more than happy to visit you every day." Francis smiles.

"Will Mathew be looking after Alfred?" Arthur asks.

"Yeah, plus Mathias and Gilbert will keep an eye on him." Francis says.

"Good, I recommend sending Michael over. He always likes talking and playing sport with him." Arthur says quickly. "I mean, it's not like I care or anything." Arthur adds in a defensive tone.

"You're so sweet when you want to be, and don't worry I'll make sure he's happy also. I hope you realise how much you need that alpha Arthur." Francis says. The alpha answers his phone when it starts ringing. "Just Mathew, I better go pick him up. Goodbye Arthur, and once again please don't hold this over Alfred." Francis watches Arthur hop out of the car.

"Goodbye Francis, and fine. That's just to make you happy." Arthur slams the car door shut and walks off. He walks upstairs and enters his apartment. He takes his jacket off and hangs it next to Alfred's hoodie. Arthur sighs ripping the hoodie off the hook and throwing it on the ground. "Idiot!" He yells, more directed to himself rather than Alfred. Arthur opened the fridge and grabbed a container with yoghurt in it and a spoon. He sits down on the couch and eats the yoghurt before throwing the container out. He has a shower and changes into his pyjamas. He walks into the living room, spotting some of Alfred's clothes hanging on the edge of the couch. He was meant to iron those for Alfred. "You're such an idiot!" Arthur yells at the top of his lungs, before sitting on the floor and covering his face as he sobbed.

"Was that Arthur?" Leon asks.

"Sounded like it." Emil says. The pair were sitting at the dinner table with Mathias and Lukas.

"I think we should check it out." Mathias stands up.

"No, I'll go. You three stay here." Lukas stands up and starts to leave.

"I am not letting you go alone." Mathias says.

"I don't care whether you do or don't, I'm going alone." Lukas glares over his shoulder, the alpha quickly sits down again.

"Alright." He says.

A/N: This chapter made me cry as I wrote it.

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