Chapter Two

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The whole summer wasn't different at all. All I did was go to the beach, hang out with Elliot, and read books at home. I guess I was wrong.


Once September came, summer was over and eighth grade had started. I did the same usual morning routine for the first day of school.

The car had stopped in front of the drop-off section of the school. "Hello school." My aunt said. I just kept quiet. "What's wrong, Ceri? You're usually excited on your first day of school." She asked.

"Well, I thought this summer was going be different. I might actually do something different than the usual." I replied

"Are you forgetting that it's the first day of eighth grade?"

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, something could happen this year. Don't go completely losing hope that somethings will change. You'll just have to wait and see."

I had completely forgotten about eighth grade. She was right. Something could change this year. Or even the year after that...and the year after that. "You're right. Thanks, Auntie." I thanked.

"Your welcome, honey." She replied.

I kissed her on the cheek as a goodbye and came out the car. "Have a good day at school!" She yelled out the car window.  I walked into the school and went to the stand where it said "Sign In" I stood in line for a hell of a long time. But I didn't see Elliot in front of the line or at the back of the line. I guess he was running late (Even though he was never late).

Once I was next in line, I told the person what grade I was now in and my name. She gave me my schedule and locker room number. I looked at my schedule and saw my homeroom. I open the door and asked the teacher where I was sitting. She directed me over to the front row seat. I sat there and read a book that I was about to finish (It was a 400 paged book).

Five minutes later, a girl with medium length hair and blue eyes walked over to my desk. "Hey." She greeted. "Um, hi?" I replied, wondering was she was talking to someone who barely talks to anyone else but Elliot. She wore a t-shirt that said "DO I EVEN CARE?!" under her uniform jacket. I noticed that I've never seen her during my whole year of seventh grade. I mean, I don't notice anyone, but I see their faces while walking down the hallways. But I've never seen this person's face. She's probably a new student starting eighth grade. "So, are you new here?" I asked, trying to make a conversation since we were just staring at each other for a whole two minutes. "Yeah, I just moved here from Cali during the summer." She replied. So she's a "Cali" girl, figures she looks so confident, I thought.

"What's your name?" She asked.

"Cerize Ronolvo." I replied.

"Cool name, I'm Colby Maxwell."

"Nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"Nice to meet ya too!" She said as she smiled back as well.

I looked to my left and saw another girl walked towards Colby and I's direction. I looked at Colby and saw her roll her eyes. I'm guessing this person coming towards us wasn't going to be very nice.

"Colby! Why did you have to bother her?! Can't you sit for like one minute?!" She yelled towards her. "Sorry, sis. You know I always have to move around. Plus she looked lonely as one can ever be." Do I look that lonely?, I thought. I guess Colby has a sister too. Her sister turned towards me.

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