/1/ What are these feelings?

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Edited: 04/09/17

Naegi's POV

Another normal day in Hope's Peak Academy.

I was bored, and my mind strayed to thoughts of the girl with lavender-colored hair, who happened to be Kyoko Kirigiri. She was going to meet me during lunch. It was about our school project. We had to explain the plot of William Shakespear's Romeo and Juliet. And, as always, she chose me as my partner. We were always partners. Kirigiri and I have always been close friends.

Science was taking extraordinarily boring and long today. I glanced at my watch. 12:00. Was Sir not going to wrap it up already?

As Science ended, I was excited to meet Kirigiri. I didn't know why I was excited to see the girl with no emotions. The girl who always solved every mystery. The top of our class. A very mysterious girl indeed. I have always seen her as a friend but now, I start to notice that she's the smartest, most mature, most beautiful girl on the campus. For me, that is. Maizono was okay. I used to like her but now she's dating Kuwata. Hina is okay but she's not my type. Fujisaki...I don't even know if she's a girl. Hell, not Fukawa. She's attached to Togami. But Togami seems interested in Kirigiri. I flinched at that thought. Togami and Kirigiri? No, why am I thinking about this anyway? Ugh, forget it. Why did I start thinking about those things anyway?

I stuffed my things into my locker. Kirigiri's locker is next to mine. I wonder if she already is out of her classroom. Oh wait, what time is it?

I looked at my watch. What?! Its already 12:15! Lunch ends at 12:45. Have I been thinking about her for that long?

I have to hurry to Kirigiri!

Kirigiri's POV

I looked at my watch. 12:00? What is taking Naegi a long time?

I need to go check on Naegi. I've been waiting for around 30 minutes.

There's nothing wrong with checking on him. We're just friends. But do I like it to be "just friends?". I liked Naegi as a friend but lately, I seem to want to be with him more. I've always chosen him for my partner when given a chance.

I always love touching his ahoge. Its natural, unlike Hinata's, who still has to put hair spray. It's funny how he can be clumsy at times.

But he can be a real sweetheart. Unlike Togami. It seems like he's been checking me out lately, since I always catch him staring at me nowadays. Still the prick he was before though, so if interested in me, I have to say, he has no hope.

Oh look, its Naegi. Finally, I thought.

Naegi's POV

"Kirigiri, I'm sorry for being late. Our science teacher dismissed us fifteen minutes late," I shyly said, clearly embarrassed to be late yet again.

She raised her eyebrow and got out the materials we needed. We had to start fast, since I was late. "And what did you do for the other 15 minutes?" She asked.

I scratched my head and gave her a goofy grin. She sighed. She knew that I had been wasting time again.

"Right. Anyway, let's get started shall we?"

I laughed a bit. Kyoko had a bit of a smile on her face.

Kirigiri and I enjoyed making our visual aids for our presentation. We talked about a lot of things like how Kuwata and Maizono are dating and how Hina and Sakura are constantly talking about donuts and training. When it was time for our next subject, I reluctantly said goodbye to Kirigiri.

"So, see you again later Kirigiri," I said as I bid her goodbye for now. She hit me on the back of my head.

"Ow! What was that for?" I asked. She gave me a look that clearly screamed how-could-you-forget.

"Naegi, we have our next class together," She said. I facepalmed at my stupidity.

"Oh yeah. Haha okay. Shall we go together?" I asked, embarrased for the second time that day.

"It'd be my pleasure"

We went to our next class, which turned out to be History.

Looks like Kirigiri and I were the last ones to enter the classroom, and the remaining seats were right beside each other. So...I have to sit beside Kirigiri. Wait, why am I finding it awkward to sit beside her? I mean, we were bestfriends and there was totally nothing wrong with that.

Kirigiri's POV

Naegi's face is red. I wonder why.
I took the seat beside Naegi, seeing that it was the only other seat available. I really am curious about why his face was as red as a tomato.

"Are you okay Naegi?"

"U-um yeah"

"No you're not. You're blushing."

Naegi's face got even redder when I mentioned it. Nevermind, it's none of my business.

Before we knew it, History class was done.

I said goodbye to a red-faced Naegi until he tripped...again. His 100th time this year. I giggled a bit. He looks cute when he's embarrassed. Wow, did I just say that? Well, it is true I have to admit. But I won't show him what's under this iron mask. I trust him with a lot of things, but my true feelings are another thing.

Naegi's POV

Another normal day has ended. But was it normal? Nope, it wasn't. I sat beside Kirigiri during History, and we sit beside each other all the time. I met with her during lunch, and I also do that all the time. Nothing extraordinary has happened today.

But no, there was. This day was far from normal. Since when have I blushed when I sat next to my bestfriend? And the only time I ever stuttered when talking to Kyoko was when we first met. Aside from that, I have never, ever felt queasy again.

Today, I confirmed my mixed feelings for that mysterious girl with an iron mask.

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